Catholic monarchs

By Mateofm
  • 1468

    Concord of the stewing bulls

    Concord of the stewing bulls
  • Oct 19, 1469

    Catholic Monarchs marriage

    Catholic Monarchs marriage
  • 1474

    Enrique IV dies

    Enrique IV dies
  • 1475

    Avila agreement

    Avila agreement
  • 1475

    War of the Castillian Succession beggins

    War of the Castillian Succession beggins
  • 1476

    Battle of Toro

    Battle of Toro
  • 1478

    Spanish inquisition established

    Spanish inquisition established
  • 1479

    Treaty of Alcáçovas

    Treaty of Alcáçovas
  • 1482

    War of Granada starts

    War of Granada starts
  • 1492

    Expulsion of Jews

    Expulsion of Jews
  • 1492

    Conquest of Granada

    Conquest of Granada
  • 1492

    Discovery of America

    Discovery of America
  • 1496

    Conquest of the Canary ilands

    Conquest of the Canary ilands
  • 1501

    Forced conversion of Muslims

    Forced conversion of Muslims
  • 1504

    Death of Isabel I

    Death of Isabel I
  • 1505

    Laws of Toro

    Laws of Toro
  • 1505

    Expansion of Castille in America

    Expansion of Castille in America
  • 1515

    Conquest of Navarra

    Conquest of Navarra
  • 1516

    Fernando II death

    Fernando II death
  • 1516

    Carlos I becomes king

    Carlos I becomes king