Portuguese sailors explore some of the north and eastern coast.
A Spaniard, de Quiros, calls Vanuatu 'La Australia del Spiritu Santo' (Australia of the Holy Spirit)
French sailors reach and describe Great Barrier Reef
Captain Cook arrives at Botany Bay
First fleet arrives at Sydney Cove, First Anglican service. The French Captain Pere Receveur possibly said mass at the same time. He died their and was buried at La Perouse
Small Pox half of Aborigines in Sydney area
Fathers Harold, O'Neil and Dixon, the first convict priests arrive. Convicts include Italians, Portuguese, Austrian and Poles
First mass by Father Dixon. First European settlement. First Europeans in Tasmania. James Meehan begins survey work in NSW
Fathers sent back to England, accused of encouraging Castle Hill Rebellion
Father Jeremiah O'Flynn arrives without permission. Does mass and is deported. Catholics gather at his house.
Fathers Therry and Connolly, first offical priests arrive. Therry begins first Catholic School in Parramatta
Father Connelly goes Tasmania and build first Catholic Church in Australia
European settlement in WA
Father John McEncroe arrives. End of English penal laws against Catholics
JH Plunkett becomes solicitor general and Roger Therry Judge
Father Ullathorne arrives in Sydney
Henty brothers begin settlement in Victoria
John Bede Polding becomes Australia's first Catholic bishop
Ullathorne's book attaches the convict system.
Sisters of Charity come to Sydney.
James Scullin elected PM, chooses first Australian born Governor General, Sir Isaac Isaacs
Period: to
The Great Depression. Beginning of Catholic Action. Catholic is in cricket team. More migrants from Yugoslavia and other European countries.
Father PJ Moloney begins Palm Island and Fantome Island Mission. Pope Benedict XV writes Quadragesimo Anno
Eucharistic Congress in Melbourne
Fathers PJ Moloney and Frank McGarry begin a school for Aborigines at Alice Springs.
The Grail begins in Australia
Period: to
World War II
The Begining of "The Movement"
Dr Woodbury begins the Aquinas Academy in Sydney
Post war migration from Europe
The bishop 'letter' makes all immagrabts feel at home.
Father Peyton: 'The family that prays to get her stays together.'
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins
Labour Party split
Period: to
Many new Catholic schools
Ukrainian bishop in Aus. Prospect + Manna magazines begin. Pope Pius dies, John XXIII
Publication of 'The Living Parish Hymn Book'
Second Vatican Council commences
Goulburn School Strike
Pope John XXIII dies. Paul VI is elected. Publication of 'The New Catholic Catechism'
Government money given to Catholic schools. Mass changes from Latin to English.
Project Compassion begins. 27 percent of teachers in Catholic teachers are lay people.
Pope Paul VI writes Populorum Progressio
The Pope writes Humanae Vitae. Books and plays about being Catholic in Australia are written.
Paul VI becomes first Pope to visit Australia
Neville Bonner becomes first Aboriginal member of parliament.
Action for World Development begins. Immigration continues mainly from Lebanon and South America. 52 percent of teachers in Catholic schools are lay people. National Pastoral Institute begins.
First Maronite bishop in Australia
Marriage incojnter spreads to Australia
International Women's Year. First National women's conference.
Ron Blair's play 'The Christian Brother'. First Aboriginal priest ordained.
Social Justice statement on women. Rome de clears Australia is no longer a mission country
Outlook magazine begins
First Catholic lay people graduate in theology
WATAC- Women and the Australian Church
Pope John Paul II visits Australia
First Melkite bishop arrives. Women-Church magazine begins. First WATAC meeting Ninety percent of teachers in Catholic schools are lay people
Pope John Paul II visits Australia. Announces the beatification of Mary MacKillop.
The Jubilee Year
World Youth Day held in Sydney. Pope Benedict XVI visits Australia
Mary MacKillop canonisation in Rome