1802 - A Foundation began called The Foundation of Christian Brothers made and Established by Edmund Ignatius Rice
1803 - The First public Mass Happened in Australia hosted by Fr. Dixon
1817 - Fr. Jeremiah O’Flynn “Prefect-Apostolic of New Holland” Arrived in Australia At Syndey
1820 - Frs. Therry and Conolly, the first official priests arrive
1821 - A Construction of first Catholic church at Richmond, Tasmania
1835 - Bede Polding becomes Australia’s first Catholic bishop
1845-70 - Archbishop Polding complains of injustice to Aborigines at NSW Parliamentary Committee Meeting
1847 - James Alepius Goold becomes first Catholic bishop of Melbourne
1848 - The Catholic Church in Australia is divided into provinces and dioceses
1851 - Fr. Patrick Dunne celebrates Mass on the goldfields of Ballarat
1854 - Establishment of the St. Vincent de Paul Society in Australia
1866 - Daniel Murphy appointed second Archbishop of Hobart
1871 - St. Patrick’s Cathedral is built in Ballarat completed
1874 - Diocese of Ballarat established and Rev. Michael O’Connor appointed as Bishop
1877 - Roger Vaughan becomes another Archbishop of Sydney
1881 - First permanent St. Vincent de Paul Society established in Australia
1889 - Opening of St. Patrick’s Seminary, Manly
1893 - St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne opened, run by Sisters of Charity
1897 - French Missionaries of the Sacred Heart arrive in Australia
1897 - St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne is Planning to be Opened