Catherine the Great of Russia Timeline

  • Birth

    Catherine the great was Born of May 2nd 1729
  • Marries into Royalty

    Catherine Maried into royalty at the age of 16 and this started the road to her rule.
  • Catherine's first child is born

    After years of trying Catherine finally has her first child
  • Elizabeth Dies

    Empress Elizabeth dies in December 25, 1761 leading to Catherines husband taking control and later Catherine herself takes control
  • Legislative Comminson is put into place

    The legislative comminson aka "Nazak" Met for the first time, leading into a new era of the common people influencing the queen.
  • The Charter of Nobility was decreed.

    Catherine put the charter of nobilkity into effect on this date.
  • Death

    Catherine the Great died on November 17 1796