Catherine the Great of Russia

  • Catherine arrived in Russia

    Catherine arrived in Russia
    1744 Catherine arrived in Russia
  • Converts to Orthodoxy

    Converts to Orthodoxy
    Catherine the Great converted to Orthodoxy, changed her name, and was married to the Grand Duke Peter in 1745
  • Peter becomes Emperor

    The empress Elizabeth died on December 25, 1761 making Catherine's Neurotic husband, Peter, emperor of Russia.
  • Peter was thrown out

    Peter was thrown out
    Catherine rallied the Regiments to overthrow her husband and 8 days later he was assassinated.
  • Catherine expands into Poland

    Catherine expands into Poland
    Poland didn't have definite boundaries and coveted by 3 neighboring powers, by putting one of her old lovers who was devoted to her as new emperor of Poland.
  • Serfs Protest

    Her government even published a decree condemning serfs who protested about their conditions
  • Yemelyan Pugachev

    Yemelyan Pugachev
    Yemelyan Pugachev claimed to be Peter III (Catherine’s executed husband) and staged an insurrection
  • Catherines Glorification Reaches a Climax

    Catherine's glorification reaches a climax in a voyage to Crimea arranged by Potemkin in 1787.
  • Wiping Out Poland

    Catherine wiped Poland of the European map by dividing it between Russia, Prussia, and Austria.
  • Catherines Heir

    Catherine was succeeded by Paul I, who was supposedly her son with Peter III (Paul’s true father may have been Sergei Saltykov, one of Catherine’s lovers).