Catherine portrait

Catherine the Great of Russia

  • Marriage

    Peter and Catherine got married.Catherine grew unhappy and bored to be married to him because he had childish behavior and was immature
  • Father Died

    Father Died
    Her father, Christian August, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst died.
  • First Child Born

    First Child Born
    Catherine's first child was born and named Tsar Paul I.
  • Second Child Born

    Second Child Born
    Anne, Catherine's second child was born.
  • Second Child Dies

    Second Child Dies
    Her daughter, Anne died.
  • Mother Died

    Mother Died
    Catherine's mother who was Joanna Elisabeth of Holstein-Gottorp passed away.
  • Third Child Born

    Third Child Born
    Catherine's last child was born as Alexei.
  • Third Child Renamed

    Third Child Renamed
    Catherine's third son who was born as Alexei had his name changed to Aleksey to be named like his godfather and uncle, Count Aleksey Orlov.
  • Affair ended

    Affair ended
    Catherine had an affair with her advisor Grigori Alexandrovich Potemkin, which didn't last long and was just one of her many affairs.
  • First Child Dies

    First Child Dies
    Catherine's first son, Tsar Paul I passed away.