Catherine the Great

By s-bwen
  • Period: to

    Catherine's Childhood

    As a child, Catherine was close with her governess, Babette Cardel. She taught her the French culture and language, along with proper manners. She would go on to study the Enlightenment, which influenced her decisions as a ruler.
  • Catherine Converts to Russian Orthodoxy

    Catherine changed her name from Sophia and converted to Russian Orthodoxy.
  • Catherine Marries Peter III

    They had an unhappy marriage, and Peter III was ruling Russia at the time. Because her husband ignored her, she adapted to Russia by learning its language and customs. She also gained influential supporters.
  • Catherine's Son Is Born

    Catherine's Son Is Born
    Paul was born, and he was heir to the throne.
  • Her Husband Dies

    Her Husband Dies
    Peter III abdicated and was assassinated after Catherine had him arrested. She secured her position on the throne and was declared as the empress of Russia.
  • Stanislas Poniatowski Is Elected as King of Poland

    Stanislas Poniatowski Is Elected as King of Poland
    Poniatowski was one of Catherine's former lovers. This influenced her to favor him to become the next king so Russia could have a friendly Poland .
  • Countess Sheremeteva Dies

    After her death from smallpox, Catherine decided to get vaccinated for the disease. She then ordered a description of smallpox to be published so others could protect themselves from smallpox.
  • Catherine Shifts Her Thinking

    After the Great Pugachev Rebellion, Catherine started to realize that she depended on the nobles. This led to the Charter of Nobility.
  • Grigory Potemkin Becomes Her Lover

    Grigory Potemkin Becomes Her Lover
    Catherine respected and loved him and shared her power with him.
  • King Louis XVI Is Beheaded

    King Louis XVI Is Beheaded
    The ideas of the Enlightenment had led to revolution and the eventual beheading of King Louis XVI. Catherine felt that the ideas that she had supported had led to the death of King Louis XVI.