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Catherine The Great

By K.W
  • Isaac Newton Book

    Isaac Newton Book
    The Isaac Newton's Principle book was translated from latin to american by Bach's St. Matthew Passion, at the same time Catherine was born
  • Birth

    Born in Germany as a minor princess Catherine was born on May 2 1729. She was never really acknowledged by her mother and only had a reputation because of her military father but that would soon edge her towards meeting other royals to climb the social ladder.
  • Childhood

    As a child Catherine was a minor princess known as Sophie Friederlike Auguste, growing up in Stettin Germany. She was neglected by her mother,as she spent time with her brother, being left to be cared for a governess until he died. When her brother died her mother tried to get her to marry for social standing leading to Catherine wanting to marry only to escape her awful mother. This ironically is how she meets Peter II essentially leading to her leadership in the future.
  • Affairs

    Catherine had many affairs in her lifetime. Throughout her life she had about 12 lovers, mainly nobles with social power, or rulers of other areas. She managed to capture land using one lover in particular Gregory Potemkin who gained southern russia in her name. This is also how she got her way through the social ladders gaining favor between people and even manage to convince others to help overthrow her husband to take the title empress.
  • Marriage

    Catherine The Great married Peter III of Russia on 1745 officially being part of the royal family. She became ruler in 1762 forcing her husband to step down only months after taking role as leader leading her to take control of the country. She also had many affairs with multiple nobles but not being about to remarry or ruin her image she kept it secret in subtle ways.
  • Paul

    Catherine indeed had children. Her first son being Paul with her first husband Peter, though scholars believe otherwise. This however didn't concern her as she did not spend much time with him for right after birth he was taken under care of Elizabeth. She later had 3 more children. Paul would then be the next in line of royalty to continue his mothers work.
  • Peter III

    Peter III
    Peter III was the husband of Catherine the Great and was ruler of russia for a whole 6 months essentially being brought down by his wife then assassinated in 1762. It's thought that he was killed or at least plotted against by both nobles and his wife but there is no evidence to prove so.
  • Reforming Russia

    Reforming Russia
    While in the rule of Catherine, Russia underwent several changes both politically and socially. She made a document that explained how she believed that the country should be ran which also included the banning of torture punishments. Catherine also attempted to fix the situation with the serfs; a class of slaves in russia,with this factor but when a meeting was held to discuss the topic nothing was fully changed giving the meetings for of a purpose for brainstorming than for dire change.
  • Education & Art

    Education & Art
    Catherine knew that Russia, compared to the rest of europe was primitive and had a negative effect on russia's reputation, so she established a boarding school for girls in noble families, later having free ones built, to open more opportunities for learning.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The killing of multiple people by british troops in america happened in the same year as when the empress created schools for the children of russia. Many who were injured did not survive and started with people revolting passive aggressively towards the british troops.
  • Hawaii Discovery

    Hawaii Discovery
    Hawaii was discovered in 1778 by Captain James Cook around the time as Russia was expanding gaining more land for britain and leading to the first destruction of foreign animals.
  • Military Force

    Military Force
    During 1769-1770 Catherine had enjoyed a winning streaks against Poland and Turkey showing europe that Russian was a powerful. She manage to form a peace with Ottoman empire later being able to obtain the black sea. Unfortunately afterwards they did fight again for land in 1787-1792.
  • Constitution of the US

    Constitution of the US
    The constitution of the united states was being written out in the same year as Catherine the Great was expanding russia. The constitution being written by patriotic americans winning their independence from britain.
  • Smallpox Vaccination

    Smallpox Vaccination
    In 1796, the year Catherine dies, Edward Jenner introduces smallpox vaccinations
  • President & Vice President

    President & Vice President
    Also during Catherine the Great's death year, elections in the US had been made for John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
  • Death

    Catherine was found on the floor on 1796 from what is assumed a stroke being buried with her husband at the cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul. Even after he death she was remembered for all her accomplishments both in military and in economy.