Catherine the great picture

Catherine the Great

  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    Sophia Augusta Fredericka is invited by Czarina Elizabeth to visit St. Petersburg, she converts to Russian Orthodoxy and changes her name to Catherine
  • Marriage

    Catherine is married to Peter, the heir to the Russian throne
  • Peter Takes the Throne

    Peter Takes the Throne
    After Czarina Elizabeth dies, Peter takes the throne and Catherine is worried that he will get rid of her, which leads to Catherine declaring him a traitor (picture of Elizabeth)
  • Russia Needs a New Ruler

    Russia Needs a New Ruler
    Peter is killed
  • Starting Off WIth Challenges

    Starting Off WIth Challenges
    Catherine’s reign starts off with disadvantages; she is a foreigner (German) and a woman
  • Catherine's Lovers

    Catherine's Lovers
    The Russian army helps Stanislas II Augustus be crowned king of Poland because he was one of Catherine’s lovers
  • Catherine's Failure

    Catherine’s commission to review Russia’s laws is unsuccessful, this leads to her creating limited reforms
  • Intellectual Qualities

    The publisher of the Encyclopédie visits Catherine because of her intellectual qualities
  • Catherine's Lovers 2

    Catherine's Lovers 2
    Grigory Potemkin becomes Catherine’s lover, he soon had a big impact on her rule by being one of her ministers
  • Catherine Goes Against Her Ideals

    Catherine Goes Against Her Ideals
    Catherine is frightened because Pugachev’s armies have been winning revolts in a rebellion against her, this leads her to allow his torture and beheading (even though torture goes against her principals)
  • Views on Architechture

    Views on Architechture
    Catherine tours the Crimea region, affects her views on architectural beauty
  • Catherine Questions Her Decisions

    Catherine Questions Her Decisions
    King Louis XVI of France is beheaded; that and the French Revolution cause Catherine to question her ways of ruling because she had admired the French in how they ruled
  • The End

    Catherine dies of a stroke