Catherine the Great

  • Period: to

    Age of Enlightenment

    This was an age where people in Russia started to quickly improve there politics, philosophy, science and communications
  • Catherine’s brother dies

    Catherine’s brother dies
    This happens in Catherine's childhood.
  • Elizebeth invites Catherine to vist the Imperial Court in St. Petersburg

    Elizebeth invites Catherine to vist the Imperial Court in St. Petersburg
    This event is a pivotal part to Catherine's life. If she wanted invited to Russia she would not have been a empress of Russia.
  • Catherine gets pneumonia

    Because Catherine is originally from Prussia (Poland) she did not know how to speak Russian. She would stay up late teaching her self Russian, as she did this she was pacing barefoot in her bedroom causing her to get pneumonia.
  • Catherine marries Peter III

    Catherine marries Peter III
    This is Catherine's 1st husband they married very young.
  • Catherine has Paul I

    Catherine has Paul I
    Paul I later is a emperor of Russia
  • Catherine become lovers with Gregory Orlov

    Catherine become lovers with Gregory Orlov
    This was significant because Catherine and Gregory worked together while she was in a position of power in Russia. Gregory had an impact on her political opinions and actions.
  • Death of Empress Elizabeth

    Death of Empress Elizabeth
    Elizabeth was one of the 1st people to influence Catherine to become a leader. Since she was the empress of Russia someone new needed to be put in the throne,
  • Placing Peter III under house arrest

    Placing Peter III under house arrest
    Catherine was married to Peter III but there relationship did not last. Instead they disagreed on political matter and Catherine and her new lover, Gregory worked together to kick Peter III out of the throne.
  • Peter III dies

    Peter was Catherine's 1st husband.