Catherine II

  • Born

    Szczecin, Poland
    Father: Christian August
    Mother: Joanna Elisabeth
  • Engaged Peter

    Catherine went to Russia with her mother and became engaged to Grand Duke Peter and converted to Russian-Orthodox.
  • Married

    Catherine married into the Russian royal family and then became a Duchess.
  • Son: Paul was born

    Catherine had a son named Paul. There was a debate about whether Peter was the real father, it was believed that a man named Sergei Saltykor was the father.
  • Mother Passes Away

    Her mother Elizabeth passed away. Catherine's husband Peter III took the throne.
  • Peter's Death

    Peter was strangled. Catherine assumed the throne shortly after.
  • Took Power

    Catherine officially became a Russian Empress.
  • Legislative Comission

    This was the first time the Legislative Commission had met.
  • A piece of Poland

    Neighboring areas took a piece of Poland. "First Partition of Poland"
  • Uprising of the Serfs

    Catherine had previously favored and end to Serfdom and her army crushed the rebellion. She then gave the nobles absolute power over Serfs.
  • Period: to

    More of Poland

    Took the rest of Poland's territory and it then became and independent country for more than a century.
  • Charter of Nobility

    "Charter of Nobility" was a policy of upper-class power.
  • Formed a Commission

    Catherine formed a commission to review Russia's laws. She addressed her opinion towards allowing religious tolerance and abolishing torture and capital punishment.
  • Died

    Catherine had accomplished many things and had enjoyed several decades as Russia's leader. Died of a stroke.