Birth of Holden Caulfield
There was not a specific date for his birthday, but 1933 was the year Holden Caulfield was born. -
Arrives at Penn Station
Calls Sally -
Gets in a cab, ends up at Edmont Hotel
The cabbie thinks he's strange because he wants to go where the ducks are. Ends up at ednmont hotel to meet up with Bernice, Laverne, and Marty. -
Goes to Central park
where the ducks are. -
Sneaks into family's apartment
wakes up Phoebe and gives her pieces of a broken record. Tells her he left school and wants to be the catcher in the rye. She says she wants to go with him. -
Goes to Mr. Antolini's
has a long conversation about life. -
Phoebe rides the Carosel
this is important because Holden feels joy seeing his little sister enjoy life and admires her innocence.