Catch 22 Timeline

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    Yossarian Falls In love With The Chaplin

    Yossarian Falls In love With The Chaplin
    The first time love is mentioned in Catch 22 is when Yossarian falls in love with the Chaplin. The significance of this is the cause for much contention. Throughout the book the Chaplin is one of Yossarian's best friends. The Chaplin also defends Yossarian when he is taken in for questioning about Washington Irving.
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    Yossarian Falls In Love With Dori Duz

    Yossarian Falls In Love With Dori Duz
    Dori Duz is Lieutenant Shishkoff's wife's girlfriend. She makes men feel inferior and destroys their confidence. I think she is the least important of Yossarian's lovers.
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    Yossarian Falls In Love With Lieutenant Scheisskopf's Wife

    Yossarian Falls In Love With Lieutenant Scheisskopf's Wife
    Yossarian has a philosophical conversation with Shishkoff's wife about god and while they both claim to be atheistic they also have very different views on this. Yossarian scares Shishkoff's wife with his disdain for God.
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    Yossarian Falls In Love With The Maid With The Lime-Colored Panties

    Yossarian Falls In Love With The Maid With The Lime-Colored Panties
    Yossarian loves the maid because she was the only woman he could make love to without falling in love with. Another perfect example of irony.
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    Yossarian Falls In Love With The Aristocratic Women Who Live Upstairs

    Yossarian Falls In Love With The Aristocratic Women Who Live Upstairs
    These are two women who live in the appartment above Yossarian's in Rome. I think that he loves them because he can't have them. They think that Yossarian is crazy.
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    Yossarian Falls In love With Luciana

    Yossarian Falls In love With Luciana
    This is a perfect example of catch 22 in Catch 22, Yossarian wants to marry Luciana but Luciana says he can't marry her because she isn't a virgin. Yossarian says he doesn't care but this causes another issue. "You won't marry me because I'm crazy, and you say I'm crazy because I want to marry you" (Heller 579). This is the type of insanity that is the one consistent thing throughout the entire book.
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    Yossarian Falls In love With Genral Dreedle's Nurse

    Yossarian Falls In love With Genral Dreedle's Nurse
    Yossarian accidentally lets out a moan which starts the whole moaning debacle in during the briefing. This is in Chapter 21 and I would highly recommend reading it. It is hilarious. This is also one of the times that General Dreedle tries to get someone shot.
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    Yossarian Doesn't Fall In love With Nurse Duckett

    Yossarian Doesn't Fall In love With Nurse Duckett
    Very interestingly during this entire section Yossarian never says that he falls in love with Nurse Duckett. But with the way that Yossarian describes her it sounds like this may be the first time he has actually fallen in love.
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    Yossarian Falls In love With Nurse Duckett?

    Yossarian Falls In love With Nurse Duckett?
    This is the first and only time that Yossarian explicitly says that he loves Nurse Duckett. But Yossarian does not think about how he only loves Nurse Duckett. "He was so deeply in love with them, and he knew he would never see either of them again" (Heller 1259). I find it very interesting that Heller didn't have Yossarian's love for Nurse Duckett explicitly articulated until this point, and then only once.
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    Yossarian Falls In Love With Nateley's Whore

    Yossarian Falls In Love With Nateley's Whore
    Yossarian tells Natley's Whore that Nately is dead and she tries to kill him. Then she starts kissing him, Yossarian starts to fall ecstatically in love but then she tries to kill him. Throughout the remainder of Catch 22 she continues to try to kill Yossarian. I think this is how Heller decides to attack love and passion.
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    Yossarian Longs For Love

    Yossarian Longs For Love
    Yossarian is trying to find his way back to his apartment in Rome and is seeing all of the worst parts of humanity. "He longed to lie down with some girl he could love who would soothe and excite him and put him to sleep" (Heller 1484). This is interesting because in the past Yossarian has had no trouble finding what he deems as love. This is also the last time that love is mentioned in Catch 22. It is interesting that Heller decided to end Yossarian's love life on this note.