
By anikl
  • Birth

    Rafael Trujillo was born.
  • Police

    Trujillo joined the national police who was trained by the US Marines.Trujillo became commander in chief in 1925.
  • Birth

    Fidel Castro is born, the illegitimate son of a successful Creole sugar plantation owner
  • The beginniing of an era

    The beginniing of an era
    Trujillo bacame president by winning 95% of the votes but he was the only candidate.His reign became know as The Era of Trujillo.He renamed most important places after his name.
  • Agreement

    An agreement was signed by Trujillo and the Haitian President ending the dispute between the two countries.
  • El Corte

    El Corte
    20,000 haitians were killed and this became know as "El Corte".
  • Second Presidency

    Second Presidency
    Trujillo ran for president again and won.
  • Batista

    Castro is a young lawyer practising in Havana who was hoping to run for a seat in parliament when American-backed General Fulgencio Batista leads a coup, overthrowing the government and cancelling the election.
  • The attack

    The attack
    Castro organizes an armed attack on the Batista regime by 165 men. Half the attackers are killed. Castro and his brother Raul are taken prisoner.
  • The release

    The release
    Castro is released from prison and organizes a rebel force in Mexico.
  • The First rebel attack

    The First rebel attack
    Leads 82 men with an attack on Cuban regime. The 12 who survive flee to the mountains, and wage a popular and ultimately successful guerrilla war.
  • US recognition

    US recognition
    The United States recognizes the Castro government.
  • The Agreement

    The Agreement
    Cuba makes agreement with the Soviet Union to buy Russian oil.
  • The Mirabal Sisters

    The Mirabal Sisters
    There was an attempt on Trujillo's life by the Maribal Sisters.But he released them; only to finish the job on November 25 of that same year.
  • The American attempt

    The American attempt
    American government tries to overthrow the Castro government, sending a small force of 1,300 Cuban exiles to land at the Bay of Pigs. They are defeated.
  • Trujillo's Death

    Trujillo's Death
    Trujillo was assassinated by a hail of bullets when his car was ambushed.
  • JFK's quarantine around Cuba

    JFK's quarantine around Cuba
    John. F. Kennedy implements quarantine around Cuba, intending to intercept and search vessels heading for Cuba. This brings world to brink of nuclear war.
  • The collapse of the Soviet Union

    The collapse of the Soviet Union
    The collapse of the Soviet Union has a devastating effect on Cuba, which relied on the Soviet Union for oil and a guaranteed market for its sugar production. Despite cheap rent and free medical treatment, many Cubans struggle to obtain basic necessities.
  • Cubans Flee

    Cubans Flee
    Tens of thousands of economically desperate Cubans flee to the U.S. on creaky boats. Many don't make it.