Bolshevik revolution
When Czar Nicholas II dragged 11 million peasants into World War I, the Russian people became discouraged with their injuries and the russian people wanted a revolution. -
Paris Peace Confrence
The Paris Peace Conference was the meeting of the Allied victors, It took place in Paris during 1919 and involved diplomats from more than 32 countries and nationalities. -
Treaty of Versailles signed
was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. -
Washington Naval Conference
conference to discuss naval disarmament and ways to relieve growing tensions in East Asia. -
Stalin comes to Power in Russia
Stalin was appointed general secretary of the party's Central Committee in 1922. -
Rapallo Treaty
Treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union signed at Rapallo italy. -
Benito Mussolini comes to power in Italy
he was destorying a lot of things in italy so that he could take over. -
England refuses to renew its alliances with Japan
England didnt want to be taken advantage of for another five years so they didnt sign it. -
Beer Hall Putsch
was Hitler’s attempt to overthrow the Weimar government of Ebert and establish a right wing nationalistic one in its place. -
Dawes Act
i was a commity trying to collect war reparations debt from Gremany. -
Mein Kampf Published
It was a blueprint of his agenda for a third reich and a clear exposition of the nightmare that will envelope Europe from 1939 to 1945. -
Enigma MAchine used In Britain
it was used to break coded messages used by the enemy. -
Stock Market Crash
when wall street crashed in OCT. -
French begin Constructing the maginot line
a line of men along germanys boarder to keep them from getting into france. -
Japan invades Manchuria
when Manchuria was invaded by the Kwantung Army immediatly following the monkton insident -
First Concentration Camps Established
Dachau was the first consentration camp opening, the camp killed 31,000 people. -
Ukrainian Famine
A large famine that took out alot of Ukraine and hurt the food income to allied forces -
Night of Long Knives
the Nazi Parties Attempt to take out all of the High power inthe Current Germany government. -
Hitler declares Himself Vice Chancellor and furhrer of germany
hitler declares himself these to begin killing the jewish race. -
Stalin begin military purges and the grat terror
a compane of political repertion in the soviet Union -
Hitler made chancellor of germany
Hitler was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party and became the Fuhrer of Germany. -
Berlin Oympics
Berlin won the bid to host the Games over Barcelona, Spain. -
Rape of Nanking
massive rape and murder performed by the Japanese troops -
Hitler invades Austria
a union between Germany and Austria had been forbidden uder the term of versailles treaty. -
Munich Conference
during in witch the great leaders of britian france and italy agree to allow germany come to sertain areas of Czechoslovaki. -
Hilter invades sudetenland
the sudetenland contanted 3.5 million germanys who had been cut of from the rest of gremany. -
Hitler conques the rest of Czechoslovaki
hitler invades Czechoslovaki dispit the asureance given by Hiler in the treaty of Munich he marched in to the country and controlled it. -
Einstein writes ltter to FDR on the possibility of atomic weapons
Said that there is a possiablity for atomic weapons to be created. -
Nazi Soviet Anti Aggression Pact
it was signed between the soviet foriegn minister Vyachaslav Molotovad and germany foreign minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop. -
Hitler invades poland
they are in the way because they are allied with the US and Britian. -
Britain and france declare war on germany
Britain and france declare war on Germany. -
Serous of event attacking jews in germany and parts of austria. -
Nazi occupation of Norway
Started with the German invation of norway. -
Winston Chirchill comes to power
One of the greatest war leader, le dthe 6th battalion on the western front, and became the leader of Britain after coming home -
Defeat of French Army by the Nazi's
Fairly quick defeat by the Germans, soldiers couldnt make it to the battle field in time because of the heavy traffic going to refugee camps, suprising becasue Frqance had a powerful military -
Battle of Britain
Crucial turning point, Germany wasnt able to make Britain surrender after bombing them for many days, led to the German loss -
Nazi Final solution developed
the final plan was the nazi grouped up the jews and put them in ghettos. -
Operation Barbarossa
4 million Germans and axis troops attacked the USSR more then 95% of the Germans casualties came from this operation and 65% of allied casualities came from this also. -
US Neutrality Acts
it got rid of the US Neutrality ACts after the attack of pearl harbor. -
Pearl Harbor
it was a suprise attack by Japanese kamakazi's a lot of american soldiers and warships. -
FDR Signs Executive order 9066, beginning Japanese Internment
allowed to begin involvment with japan and to start a war with them. -
Battle of Midway
happened only six months after pearl harbor was the best naval fight. -
Dessert Campaigns
Fought aganist the axis troops in Africa, helped Britain fight them -
Nimitz and McArthur begin island hopping in the Pacific
it lead to the surrender of japanese attacking the weak ilands in the Phillipenes. -
Manhattan Project Begins
began founding for the united state to start creating new weapons. -
storming the beaches at Normandy by American soldiers into a heavily fortified German encampment. Led to the death of 1147 American soldiers. -
operation Market Garden
the largest air battle in US history. -
Battle of the Bilge
cought the alliece by suprise and was the most expencieve battle for them. -
US victory at Iwo Jima
the winning in Iwo Jima was easy for the US because of there weapons -
Death of FDR
FDR died after he ran the US military. -
Hilter Commits suicide
after he heard of many defeats so close to him he appointed leader to the german military. and killed himself. -
the surrender of Germany
the serous of defeats lead to hitlers death. -
First successful test of atomic bomb
first atom bomb was accomplishment after blowing up. -
US Drops atomic bmbs on Hiroshima and Nagaski
bombed Hiroshima because of its military base and to show everone. -
Surrender of japan
After accepting the the terms japan surrender two weeks later.