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    chapter 7

  • George Washington

    George Washington
    When the first president of the USA was elected.George Washington was the first president of america and the only to lead troops into war.
  • The french revelution

    The french revelution
    The French went in to monarchy.Or in different words France is having a really bad riot.
  • Judiciary act

    Judiciary act
    This act created the three branches of the government. the founding fathers didn't want the government to be to powerful so they split it up.
  • The creation of .................

    The creation of .................
    In 1792 George Washington created the cabinet meeting.There were 15 people and the president and vice president.
  • Poor louis

    Poor louis
    Behead king Louis. France people were starving and the king had a castle so they were mad.And they thought the best thing to do was kill him and his wife.
  • Whiskey rebellion begins

    Whiskey rebellion begins
    Rebels that are mad at TAX so they started a rebellion and made trouble because they were mad at tax.
  • Indians treaty with greenville

    Indians treaty with greenville
    The treaty to end any up coming wars
  • John Adams was elected!

    John Adams was elected!
    John Adams was elected 2 president of America.And he had so experience scene he was Georges vice president.
  • The founding of the Rosetta stone in egypt

    The founding of the Rosetta stone in egypt
    We found a stone the Rosetta stone that taught us how to speak Egyptian
  • The death of george washington

    The death of george washington
    George Washington went to sleep and didn't wake up.The first president of america and the only to lead in war died.