
  • First steam car

    First steam car
    First self-propelled car built by Nicolas Cugnot
  • Puffing devil

    Puffing devil
    Steam-powered car invented by Richard Trevithick
  • Uphill Struggle

    Uphill Struggle
    Samuel Brown invented a steam engine which burned a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen gas
  • First Coal-gas engine

    First Coal-gas engine
    The first coal-gas engine was invented by Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir
  • Stroke of Genius

    Stroke of Genius
    Nikolaus August Otto invented a four-stroke engine called the Otto cycle
  • First modern car

    First modern car
    Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler invented the first modern car/automobile
  • Maybach speeds things up

    Maybach speeds things up
    Wilhelm Maybach built the first four-cylinder, four-stroke engine
  • Ford company

    Ford company
    The Ford motor company was formed
  • Seat-belts

    Seat-belts was made for safety
  • solar cars and electric cars

    solar cars and electric cars
    Solar cars and electric cars are invented