Period: to
Carol Garrett's life
Truman in office
Truman was in office when Carol was born. -
Carol was born
Carol was born on this day and year. -
Her brother and two older sisters
Her younger sister wasn't born yet, but my great grandma and great grandpa had a handful already. -
Attended St. Mary's
she attended St. Mary elementary from 1st to 5th grade. -
John F. Kennedy was elected.
Attended South Junior High
She went to South Middle then later on moved. -
Moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico
Towards the end of her time at South Middle, she moved and ended up going to Albuquerque High School. -
First job
She worked at setting up banquets in hotels. -
First car
Plymouth cricket. It was a hand-me-down and she couldn't wait to get rid of it. -
Medical trouble
She got Psoriasis at the age of 19 -
Nicole was born
her first born. -
Vietnam ended
The war went on while she was growing up. -
Started working for walmart
another medical problem
On top of her Psoriasis, she ended up getting Arthritis which ended up deforming her fingers badly. -
Her daughter got married
Nicole, her oldest child, got married to Tom Billings. -
1st grandkid was born
Emily was her first biological grandkid to be born. -
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