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Carla Costoy

  • When I was born

    This is when I started my life.
  • My First day at Preschool.

    I was scared but still made lots of friends, I also learned how rain works.
  • My first day at grade one

    I wasn't that scared cause the work was quite easy and I also made my first best friend.
  • When I moved to America

    It was also the first time being on a plane, I mostly slept through the flight.
  • My first pool party

    It was very fun until I decided to go to the other big and high pool, which I almost drowned in but luckily I was saved by my cousin.
  • Had to go to first grade again

    I didn't like it because I was in second grade but since there was an age difference so they made me do first grade again. The work was really easy cause I already did it and I don't regret it because I made lots of good friends.
  • Vacation in Philippines

    All I remembered was it was hot and I swam in salt water, got to be a mermaid, wave to a sea lion, bought make favorite foods/snacks, I ent to mall of asia and lastly got together with my family.
  • First day in 5th grade

    I wasn't scared of 5th grade cause I made lots of friends but that's when I met my other best friend (aka:Hayden). It's also when I met my favorite teacher. It was the best year!
  • First day of 6th grade!

    It was scary since none of my friends were in my class nor people I know, I made some new friends and learned lots of new things.
  • First day of 7th grade

    I was excited to meet my friends and my teachers it was really good because the teachers were nice and I got to be with my friends in all my classes! So it was a good day
  • Trip to Wisconsin Dells

    We went to the Mount Olympics waterpark and amusement park and stayed only for two days because it was for my nephews birthday, it was fun until I did the zeus roller coaster which was scary. I also got some souvenirs.