
Career Timeline

By KT3245
  • Signed to play football

    Signed to play football
    I signed to play football at the University of South Dakota State. This was a big day becuase I am able to continue my love for the game of football. They also gave me a scholarship that will help me pay for school.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    I graduated from McCook Central May 15 2018. I was on the B honorole my high school career. My plan is to coach the youth in baseball so that I can earn money for college.
  • First Day of College

    First Day of College
    In 2018 I went to my first day of college at the Universeity of South Dakota State. I was going there for high school teaching. Going to school there will costs me 14,948 per years.
  • SDSU Graduation

    SDSU Graduation
    I graduated from South Dakota State in 2022. A graduated on the B honorole all four years. I majored in High School teaching and I can teach Math and Computers.
  • First Job

    First Job
    I was hired by Winner High School in South Dakota. I was hired as there Math teacher and there head football coach.
    I was getting paid 56,000 a year.
  • College Football Job

    College Football Job
    In 2032 I got hired by the North Dakota Unversity. I was hired as there head coach. I am getting paid 2 million a year. I am not teaching any classes I'm retired from teaching.
  • Won a National Championship

    Won a National Championship
    I won my first National Champioship in 2035. It was the 15th championship in NDSU history. I also got a pay raise that year I am making 2.8 million a year now.
  • Retirement

    In 2060 I decided to retired after many years of coaching. I won 8 National Championship with NDSU. I was second all time in NDSU history. I decided to move back to my home town Salem SD and help with youth football coaching.