Car Timeline

  • Brothers Frank and Charles Edgar Duryea invent the first successful gas-powered car in the United States

    Brothers Frank and Charles Edgar Duryea invent the first successful gas-powered car in the United States
  • The Duryea brothers start the first American car manufacturing company in Springfield, Massachusetts. It was called Motor Wagons.

    The Duryea brothers start the first American car manufacturing company in Springfield, Massachusetts. It was called Motor Wagons.
  • A steering wheel is designed to replace the steering tiller

    A steering wheel is designed to replace the steering tiller
  • Ford’s Model T production rockets from 7.5 cars per hour to 146 cars per hour, thanks to the utilization of the assembly line.

    Ford’s Model T production rockets from 7.5 cars per hour to 146 cars per hour, thanks to the utilization of the assembly line.
  • The first four-wheel drive, all-purpose vehicle is designed for the U.S Military. It becomes known as the jeep.

    The first four-wheel drive, all-purpose vehicle is designed for the U.S Military. It becomes known as the jeep.
  • The Interstate Highway Act creates a network of highways which connects all parts of the United States

    The Interstate Highway Act creates a network of highways which connects all parts of the United States
  • New York State becomes the first state with a law requiring the use of seat belts.

    New York State becomes the first state with a law requiring the use of seat belts.
  • The first Toyota Prius is sold in Japan.

    The first Toyota Prius is sold in Japan.
  • Many vehicle manufacturers begin to abandon once popular gas-guzzling SUVs for more efficient vehicles due to environmental concerns and the recession.

    Many vehicle manufacturers begin to abandon once popular gas-guzzling SUVs for more efficient vehicles due to environmental concerns and the recession.