seat belts
Seat belts were invented in the early 19th century by George Cayley but were first issued to a vehicle on the 10th of February 1885. Seat belts are fitted into every car these days; they can reduce the probability of injury or death by 50%. Mid-20th century the seat belt was not standard (meaning you had to pay extra for it). This all changed when the Saab GT 750 was released in 1958, this car was the first and only car to have seat belts as a standard feature of the car. In 1970 the world first -
Head Restraint
A guy named Benjamin Katz wanted to have a headrest in 1921, the manufacturer accepted and made him an extention to the chair. this was the first head restraint, it is ironic how katz asked for a head rest and over the years the thing he asked for is a piece of technology that reduces whiplash. -
Anti-Lock Break System (ABS)
Gabriel Voisin invented the first series of the Anti-lock breaking system (ABS). it was invented in 1929 and was not originaly for cars, it was invented for aeroplanes to help them stop quicker and have better traction when landing. studies has shown that having an Anti-Lock Breaking system can improve your automobiles breaking abilities by 30%. ABS is the 3rd highest safety feature known today. the first series of ABS was thought to be expensive and unreliable but was later changed. -
in the 1968 Allen Breed invented the first Airbag. they are a type of car restraint just like seat belts. Air bags work by Instantaneously blowing up with air giving a Cushioning blow upon impact. Airbags are one of the leading seafty features under seatsbelts with a 30% less injury and death rate. Airbags can be deadly aswell as a safety mechanisim, there have been small kids that have been in an accident and the airbag blows up and strangles the child to death. -
Electronic Stability Control
in 1987 mercedes and BMW invented the Electronic Staility Controls (ESC). the ESC was designed to monitor the traction and apply acceleration or breaking to an individual wheel in order to keep the highest traction between the wheel and the road. the ESC saves more then 3000 lives an year.