2017 BCE
I think that the car's evoluton it's interesting, in the way of how people created an improved their models, the cars have had to suffer several problems, but also improvments to get to the today cars. i think that the cars it's so necessary for all people th be transported to other places. -
2017 BCE
https://chesterfercho78.wordpress.com/la-historia-de-los-autos/ -
2017 BCE
DEVELOP: desarrollar
TIRE: neumatico
INTERNAL COMBUSTION: combustion interna
INNER TUBE: tubo interno
COOLED ENGINE: motor refrigerado
BRAKES: frenos
ENGINE: motor. -
2000 BCE
Period of Super Sports cars
1990 BCE
In Japan born a Monovolumen
1988 BCE
Implements the airbag
1987 BCE
Development of ferrari F40, the fastest car in this time -
1981 BCE
Boom of Japanese industry
1971 BCE
Arise the first system of Anti-lock braking -
Period: 1970 BCE to 1980 BCE
Built a low comsumption models
1969 BCE
Arise the high lights for the night
Period: 1969 BCE to 2000 BCE
Modern Stage
1954 BCE
Arise the first injection engine -
1949 BCE
Implements disc brak
1948 BCE
Boom of the automative industry
Period: 1939 BCE to 1945 BCE
Second world war
1936 BCE
The cars are completely closed and round -
1930 BCE
Development of hidraulic brakes -
1929 BCE
Word economy crack
1921 BCE
Aries brakes in the four tire -
Period: 1920 BCE to 1930 BCE
Post war period
Automative companies expand like "Benz", "Daimler", "BMW" AND "Steyr" return to the market -
Period: 1914 BCE to 1918 BCE
First world war
1911 BCE
First ford and peugeot factories
Arise the First ford and peugeot factories in france and use the engine in front of the car -
1902 BCE
Drum brakes are invented
Period: 1902 BCE to 1911 BCE
Post war
1896 BCE
The first American car
Henry Ford create the first American car with his model T -
1894 BCE
The first car race
In France is the first car race with a record of 32 Km/h. The winner is Gottlieb Damimler -
1890 BCE
Karl Benz
Found in Mannheim "BENZ & CIA" -
1889 BCE
Gottlied Daimler
development the first car with four tires, four speed and cooled engien -
1888 BCE
William Steinway
found Daimler motor company -
1888 BCE
Andrew Lawrence
found Riker electric motor company -
1888 BCE
Karl Benz
introduce a car like the first german manufactur -
1888 BCE
John Boyd
nvents the tire with an inner tube -
1887 BCE
John Boyd Dunlop
devlopment the tire -
1885 BCE
Karl Benz
development a internal combustion car with a hape of tricycle -
1771 BCE
nicolas-joseph cugnot
evelopment the steam car -
Period: 1771 BCE to 1896 BCE