Cooper Union Address
In this Address, Lincoln states that Congress should control slavery in territories so it would not expand. He did not mean to threaten the South, but they took it as one. -
The Pony Express Delivers
A new system of delivering messages was created for quicker communication. -
And Here are the Nominees
Abraham Lincoln is nominated by the Republican Party to run for presidency. -
South Carolina Begins Thinking
Govenor William Henry Gist begins to side with the idea of sucession. -
Abraham Lincoln Elected President
Abe Lincoln of the Repulican party is elected president of the United States. Tensions arise in the South as they learn that not only does the new president want to rid the country of slavery, he also wants federal power to rule over state power. -
A Meeting Is Called
South Carolina calls for a convention on December 17 to decide if the state should secede from the Union -
Crittenden Compromise
To prevent the Civil War, Senator John Crittendencreated a compromise to legalize slavery under the 36 30' border line. -
It Is Unanimous
South Carolina Secessionist Convention is called to order. It is decided that it is best to secede from the Union -
The First To Go
On this day the first state decides to remove themselves from the Union and create the Confederacy. This state is South Carolina. Soon after that more states take the initiative to secede the Union and join the Confederacy -
Explanation For Leaving
South Carolina issues "Declaration of the Immeadiate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Succession of South Carolina from the Federal Union", a proclamation which explains why they left the Union. -
The CSA is Formed
After most Southern states seceded from the Union, they formed the Confederate States of America. They deemed their captial in Richmond, Virginia very close to thier old capital in Washington D.C. Jefferson Davis was elected the CSA's president. He was the first and last president of the Confederacy. -
That's Illegal
Lincoln decides succession is illegal and will hold forts in Southern states -
Jefferson Davis is Elected
Jefferson Davis is elected as the first and last President of the Confederate States of America -
Lincoln's Inauguration
Lincoln is finally inaugurated into the Presidential office. The already angry Southerners become enraged at the fact that he still is promoting the freedom of all slaves. -
The Civil War Commences
After the attack on the Union's Fort Sumter, war is declared. Battles are yet to come after the Confederates first attack. -
Recruiting the Team
President Lincoln realizes he must assemble the army in order to stop the South from winning. He asks his followers for 75,000 people who will volunteer to put a stop to the rebellious Southerners before it gets out of hand. -
Lee's Rejection
General Robert E. Lee is asked to fight against the rebellions and lead the Union troops into victory. Although he was against the idea of secession, he rejected their offer. HIs only reason: he could not fight against his native state of Virginia, which was apart of the Confederacy -
Phase one of the Anaconda Plan
The order of blockades of Southern ports is done, and the South's supplies begin to diminished -
Richmond Becomes the Capital
In May of 1861, the Confederates move thier capital from Montgomery, Alabama to Richmond VIrginia.The capital was moved for the large industial facilities that the Confederates could use to thier advantages in the war. Even though it was close to the Union's capital, they needed the resources to fight -
Battle of Bull Run
The first real battle of the American Civil War is known as the Battle of Bull Run, or the First Battle of Manassas. Located in Virginia, Generals McDowell and Stonewalls troops fought for hours. When the dust finally settled, the Confederates took this as a victory of their own. -
Fort Henry
General Ulysses Grant captures Fort Henry in Tennessee -
Fort Donelson
The Union army once again attacks a fort in Tennessee and captures it the following day -
Annulling An Act
The federal government decides to prohibit returing fugitive slaves, annuling the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850. -
This battle was fought near a church in Tennessee, introducing trench warfare to the Union and Confederacy -
New Orleans is Taken By the Union
Union Ships travel down the Mississippi River To take over the South's main seaport in New Orleans -
Battling for Seven Days
General Lee attacks McClellans army near Richmond, Virginia. Many lives are lost during this battle. -
Farragut Meets the Water
David G, Farragut becomes the first U.S. Navy rear admiral, a rank higher than that of a commodore or captain -
Second Battle of Bull Run
This battle was fought on a much larger scale than the First Battle of Bull Run, it included more casualties , but was fought on the same ground as the first -
Battle of Antietam
This battle was the bloodiest single-day battle in American History. Resulted in Union Victory -
Under General William Rosecrans, the Union army invades and takes over Corinth, Mississippi -
Henceforward, Shall Be Free
After waiting for the best moment, President Lincoln finally puts forward the Emancipation Proclamtion, freeing all slaves in states of rebelllion -
Battle of Chancellorsville
The Confederate army, under General Robert Lee, defeats the Union -
Battle of Vicksburg
Grant and his Union army chase the Confederates into Mississippi and battle for the Mississippi River -
African American Regiment
The first African American regiment, called 54th Massachusetts, leaves Boston to fight against the Confederates -
Battle of Gettysburg
Known as the largest battle of the war, Union forces attack the Confederate invasion in Pennslyvania -
Siege Of Vicksburg
The Union captures the Mississippi River, oompleting part two of their three part plan. -
Refusing Retirement
After losing at Gettysburg, General Lee decided to send a letter of resignation to President Jefferson Davis, who refuses it. -
Charleston, South Carolina
Union Ships attack Fort Sumter, now held by the Confederacy. -
Battle of Lawrence
A battle that took place in Lawrence, Kansas, killing an estimated 200 men and boys. Known as one of the most evil atrocities in Civil War -
Gettysburg Address
Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg Address, dedicating a cemetary to all lives lost in the Civil War, both Union and Confederacy alike. -
The first of the Northern prisoners enter the Confederate prison in Andersonville, Georgia. -
Grant Owns It All
President Lincoln appoints Ulysses Grant commander in chief of all Union armies -
Senate Passes A New Amendment
The Thirteenth Amendment, to abolish slavery is passed by the Senate. -
Cold Harbor Regrets
General Ulysses Grant makes a mistake continuing the battle against the Confederates, resulting in a great amount of Union casualties. -
Lincoln is Re-elected
Lincoln is re-elected President of the United States in 1864 -
Battle of Petersburg
General Grant's troop fight against Lee's for nine months, conducting trench warfare -
Siege of Alanta
Sherman's troops capture Atlanta Georgia after defeating Confederate genral John Bell Hood -
McClellan Tries To Run
The Demoractic Party nominates George McClellan to run against Lincoln in the Election of 1864. -
Evauation of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia is evacuated as Sherman's request orders. -
March To The Sea
General Sheman marches with his troops to Savannah, Georgia, destroying everything in sight as they march -
Thirteenth Amendment
Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment, abolishing slavery -
Meeting On Hampton Roads
President Lincoln meets with the Vice President of the Confederate States to negotiate a peace treaty. This results in failure. -
President Lincoln is inaugurated for his next term, Andrew Johnson becomes Vice President -
Siege of Petersburg
General Lee's forces are defeated to the Union Army -
Unconditonal Surrender
General Robert Lee Surrenders at Appomattox. -
President Lincoln is assasinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre -
New President
Andrew Johnson is sworn into office as President of the United States after Lincoln passes. -
Assasin Is Assasinated
John Wilkes Booth is shot dead in Virgina -
Burial of a President
Lincoln is buried in Oak Ridges Cemetary. -
Slaves Are Finally Free
The Thirteenth Amendment is finalized after being ratified by the States. Slavery is abolished -
Freedmen's Bureau Introduced
The New Freedmen's Bureau bill is passed by Congress, but President Johnson vetoes the bill. -
Civil Rights Vetoed
President Johnson vetoes the Civil Rights Act, declaring it unconstitutional -
Peaceful State(s)
U.S. declares that a state of peace exists with all states who have seceded from the Union. -
Civil Rights Act of 1866
The Civil Rights Act of 1866 is passed by Congress, overpowering President Johnson's veto. This Act granted more rights to the newly freed slaves. -
Freedman's Bill Passed
Congress once again overrides President Johnson's veto, passing the Freedmen's Bureau to help former slaves and poor whites after the Civil War. -
Tennessee Comes Back
Tennessee becomes the first state to be readmitted to the Union -
General Of The Army
Congress passes legisaltion authorizing the rank of General of the Army. General Grant is the first to have this rank -
Admiral Farragut
Congress creates the rank of Admiral, appointing David Farragut to that rank. -
Lt. General Sherman
Congress creates "General of the armies" ranking . Grsnt is promoted to 4-star general, promoting William Sherman to the rank of Lt. General. -
Peace With Texas
U.S. President declares peace with Texas -
African Americans Can Vote
African Americans in Washington D.C. gain the right to vote in a bill passed over President Andrew Johnson's Veto -
Nebraska Earns Statehood
Nebraska becomes a part of the United States -
Reconstruction Act
This act called for reorganization of the former Confederate states now in the Union -
2nd Reconstruction
The Federal Army restores military rule to Mississippi as a part of the Second Reconstruction -
Second Recontruction Act
Once again, over President Johnson's Veto, Congress passes the Second Reconstruction Act -
Rejecting the Fourteenth Amendment
In the year 1867, the states that rejected the Fourteenth Amendment Includes Kentucky, Virginia Louisiana, Delaware, and Maryland. -
Ratifying The Fourteenth Amendment
So far in 1867, the Fourteenth Amendment has been ratified by Ohio, New York, Kansas, Pennsylvania, Illinois, West Virginia, Michigan, Minnesota, Maine, Nevada, Indiana, Missouri, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, and Nebraska -
Readmission For Some
Congress passes a bill allowing Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina back into the Union for ratifying the Fourteenth Amendment -
Resignation of Edwin Stanton
President Johnson calls for resignation of Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton -
Ad interim
In place of Stanton, Ulysses Grant becomes ad interim Secretary of War, or a temporary Secretary of War