Canadian flag 1

Canadian Legacies

By krnbby
  • Apr 15, 1497

    John Cabot arrives in Newfoundland

    John Cabot arrives in Newfoundland
    John Cabot arrived and claimed Newfoundland as a territory of the British Empire.
  • Jun 14, 1535

    Jacques Cartier conquered the Saint Lawrence river area for France.

    Jacques Cartier conquered the Saint Lawrence river area for France.
    In the year 1535 Jacques Cartier sailed the Saint Lawrence river(present day Quebec) for France. This led to the citizens of the area speaking French.
  • Quebec is formed.

    Quebec is formed.
    Samuel de Champlain established a trading port in Canada and called it Quebec.
  • Catholic missionaries attempt to convert the natives

    Catholic missionaries attempt to convert the natives
    Missionaries from Europe move to Canada to evangalize Catholicism.
  • Hudson Bay Company is founded

    Hudson Bay Company is founded
    The Hudson Bay Company is formed and granted a charter which gave them a monopoly on all natural resources in the area.
  • Period: to

    7 Years War.

    The war mainly between England, their First Nation allies, and France. The war was fought to decide who would maintain control of North America.
  • Treaty of Paris

    France and Britain agreed to a mutual surrender oficially ending the Seven Years War.
  • Period: to

    Mass immigration of people from Europe to Canada.

    Due to the invention of machines in the textile industry, many people were unemployed and were looking for work. As many as 700,000 people came from Europe to find a better life in the new colonies.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    The war was started by the Americans to lead a rebellion against the British who placed strict rules and orders onto the Americans. This made the Americans fight British soldiers in southern Canadian and Northern American soil.
  • Canada was founded.

    Canada was founded.
    Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia joined up to form the Canadian Condeferation; the ``Canada before Canada separated from Britain.
  • Formation of the Canadian Confederation.

    Formation of the Canadian Confederation.
    The union of the British North American colonies (Nova Scotia, Quebec, New Brunswick, and the addition of the already formed "Canada."
  • First Canadian-Indian residential school opened.

    Residential school opened to smoothen the assimilation process between the First Nation community and the white settlers.
  • Addition of Newfoundland to the Canada.

    This marked the end of colonializaton for Canada. Not much land was added to the country after this.
  • Canada is independent from Britain

    Canada is independent from Britain
    Canda separates from Britain and becomes its own independent country.
  • Last residential school closed down.