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  • Riots of 1837

    Riots of 1837
    -The Economy was bad
    -Famine and other diseases were common
    -People thought that reform was needed
  • Period: to


  • The Riots End

    The Riots End
    -Lord Durham found the reason for the riots and ended it.
  • Charlottetown Conference

    Charlottetown Conference
    Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick wanted to become a Maritime Union.
    Canada asks if the Maritime Colonies want to join it.
    John A. Macdonald, George Brown, George-Étienne Cartier, Thomas D'Arcy McGee and Alexander Galt attended.
  • Quebec Conference

    Quebec Conference
    2nd of the conference
    talked about the terms of confederation (72 resolution)
    responsible government at the federal and provincial levels
  • London Conference

    London Conference
    Nova Scotia , New Brunswick and Canada agreed to join confederation.
    NewFoundLand and Prince Edward Island rejected the offer.
  • North West Territory + Hudson's Bay Company land

    -was aquired by Canada
  • Manitoba created from a part of the HBC land

  • British Columbia Joins Canada

  • Prince Edward Island Joined Canada

  • Saskatchewan and Alberta Join Canada

  • Newfoundland joins Canada

  • Nunavut joins Canada

    (Third territory but last to join Canada)