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Canada's Road to Confederation

  • Start of Rebellion in Lower Canada

    -Threw out the spring and summer louis reformed leaders into the province of canda so he could start a rebellion in lower canada.
    -The british troops that were in Upper canada had to regroup in Lower canada cause they were having a hard time fending the rebels off.
    -There were three battles that took place in Lower canada the battle at St. Denis, St. Charles, and the last at St.Eustache
  • Start of Rebellion by William Lyon Mackenzie in Upper Canada

    Start of Rebellion by William Lyon Mackenzie in Upper Canada
    -William Lyon Mackenzie was the rebel leader of Lower Canada
    -He was the editor of the Colonial Advocate and he told his belifs about the Goverment through it to get the citzens on his side
    -Gov't didn't like this because he saying things about them like their wages. So they ransacked his office and destroyed his printing press.
  • Period: to

    The Confederation of Canada

    How Canada was made
  • Lord Durham's Report is Issued

    -Proposed that Lower and Upper Canada become one making the french and english unite
    -Also proposed a responsible goverment to happen
    -He told all this information to Britains Queen Elizabeth in his report
  • The Act of Union

    -When Upper and Lower Canada united
    -Was a result of Lord Durhams report
    -One parliment, each with english and french represenatives
  • Rebellion Losses Bill

    -The newly elected goverment presented the REbellion Losses Bill
    -Supposed to use tax money to compensate people in Canada East who lost property in the rebellion
    -Even some of the rebels got help unless they commited treason
    -After Lord Elgin signed the bill protesters burned the parliment buildings.
  • Charlottetown Conference

    Charlottetown Conference
    -Politicians from each province showed up to talk about union
    -There was already a discussion regarding a Maratime Union
    -The delegates from NS, NB, and PEIhad a positive oulook on confederation
    -Agreed to meet later in Quebec to work out terms
  • Quebec Conference

    -Was held to divide powers and responsibilities
    -PEI backed out and were disapointed
    -NFLD also baked out
    -Conference lasted almost 3 weeks
  • The British North America Act

    The British North America Act
    -Was passed by the Britsh parliment
    -This was the final result of the London Conference
    - We now celebrate this as Canada Day or Dominion Day
    -Quebec, Ontario, New Bruinswick, and Nova Scotia join cofederation on this day
  • London Conference

    London Conference
    -Leaders from NB, NS, and the province of Canada took the proposal to London England
    -The proposal was given Royal Assent which was permission from Queen Victoria.
    -The act then passed by the Britsh Parliment
    - The date for it to happen was on July 1 1867
  • Northwest Territories Joins Confederation

    -One of the reasons they joined is so the US couldn't take it from them
  • Manitoba Joins Confederation

    -One of the first western provinces to join confederation
  • The Colony of British Columbia is Joins Confederation

    -Sent delagates to negotiate terms in 1870
    -They wanted a wago road built from Lake Superior too the pacific
    -Also wanted the goverment to take over their debt
  • PEI Joins Confederation

    -Scared to join because they might not get a say in anything because they were so small
    -They also would have to pay for a rail road when they didn't need it
  • Yukon Join Confederation

  • Alberta Joins Confederation

  • Saskatchewan Joins Confederation

  • Newfoundland Joins Confederation

    -Originally backed out of the confederation at the conference
  • Nunavut Joins Confederation