Canada's progress from 1914 to 1929

By willam
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    Progress/Decline type: Overall.
    The assassination of archduke Ferdinand was the spark that started WWI. The assassination was committed by a group named the Black Hand; a group wanting Serbia to be free of Austrian rule. Afterwards, Austria sends a list of demands to Serbia to pay for the damage done. Serbia agrees to some and sent some requests back to Austria, which Austria rejects and starts a war on Serbia.
  • The Battle of Somme

    The Battle of Somme
    Progress/Decline type: Social and War.
    The battle of Somme was a losing battle for the allies against a German line on the Somme River. This resulted in a massacre with 650 000 casualties over the span of four months, while covering 545km squared of territory.
  • The Battle of Vimy Ridge

    The Battle of Vimy Ridge
    Progress/Decline type: War and Reputation.
    The battle of Vimy Ridge was an assault and takeover of Vimy ridge, a major stronghold on a hill that Germany controls. The allies did this by practicing what they'll be doing during the assaults. The Canadian troops were successful at taking over the Vimy Ridge.
  • The Spanish Flu

    The Spanish Flu
    Progress/Decline type: Economical and Social.
    The Spanish Flu was a worldwide epidemic that caused many casualties. In Canada, the Spanish flu was brought by the Canadian soldiers returning from the battlefield, and was spread by the celebration of the successful war.
  • Canada's Hundred Days

    Canada's Hundred Days
    Progress/Decline type: War.
    Canada’s hundred days was a 130km push on the western front for three years during the Great War. After the Canadian troops were successful, the German leader Kaiser Wilhelm II stepped down from his position of power, which was one of the main reasons the first war ended.
  • Armistice

    Progress/Decline type: War.
    Armistice was an agreement created near the end of the Great war which was to stop the fighting between the forces. This agreement was made on November 11th, which is why November 11th is remembrance day.
  • The Winnipeg General Strike

    The Winnipeg General Strike
    Progress/Decline type: Political and Economical.
    Ranking: +1.
    The Winnipeg General strike was a strike which most workers at the time participated in for better wages and working conditions. This strike ended when the police arrested around a hundred strikers and killed two strikers. Afterwards, the government implemented a law that requires employers to recognize their worker’s rights.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Progress/Decline type: Overall.
    The treaty of Versailles was a treaty that was created to deal with Germany. This treaty weakened Germany greatly. Many of the things that Germany was required to do was quite excessive like giving up all their colonies to the British and French, paying all damages done during the war, reducing their military greatly, and taking blame for the war.
  • Women's Suffrage Movement

    Women's Suffrage Movement
    Progress/Decline type: Justice and Political
    Ranking: +1.
    The women's suffrage movement was a movement for women political rights in the 1900s. This movement was to create equal political rights for women since at the time, women didn’t have a right to vote, or very few did. This movement was a success, which allowed women to vote.
  • The Chinese Immigration Act

    The Chinese Immigration Act
    Progress/Decline type: Justice and Social.
    Ranking: -2.
    The Chinese immigration act was an act put in place in 1923 to prevent Chinese immigrants from entering Canada for 24 years. Many Chinese people who lived in Canada faced discrimination and unemployment because of this act.