Canada on trial

By alleng4
  • Manitoba and Metis land scripts

    he Metis heads of household, who had been denied land under the Manitoba Act 1870, were offered land in the form of a certificates or scrip. The script was often sold for their value or trade for goods
  • Creation of the Indian Act

    the act subsumed a number of colonial laws that aimed to eliminate First Nations culture in favour of assimilation into Euro-Canadian society.
  • Legislation Creating Residential Schools Passed

    with the passage of the British North America Act in 1867 and the implementation of the Indian Act. the Government provide the Indegeous youth with education to assimilate them into Canadian society
  • Potlatch Ban 1885

    The Potlatch Ban was the legislation forbidding the practice of the polatch passed by the government of Canada and it ended up lasting till 1951
  • PH Bryce Report Suppressed 1907

    he reported the Indian schools of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories about the highly staggering death rates at the school
  • First Nations Enfranchisement 1960

    the Government change the section of the Indian Act which denied by the First Nations people the vote however some of them viewed it negatively
  • Trudeau’s White Paper 1969

    the white paper would convert reserved land to private property owned by the band or its members and transfer all responsibility for servicing to provincial governments
  • Red Paper 1970

    the first red paper was emphasized the treaty connection between First Nations people and the federal government.
  • Calder vs Attorney - General of British Columbia 1973

    was the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada
  • Bill C-31 1985

    Bill C 31 change the INdian Act to grant bands the right to developed their own membership rules.
  • Oka Crisis 1990

    it was a 78-day standoff between Mohawk protesters, Quebec police, the RCMP Canadian Army
  • Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples 1991

    it is the relationship between Indegenous people in Canada, the government of Canada and the Canadian society as a whole.
  • Creation of Nunavut 1999

    the Northwest Territories Divides into two territories allow for the creation of Nunavut the homeland for Canada's Inuit.
  • Residential School Apology 2008

    The Prime of Canada made a statement of apology to former students of Indian Residential School, in behalf of the Government of Canada.
  • Idle No More 2013

    it’s an exchange of emails between the four women regarding Bill c-45 led to the establishment of a Facebook page which they named Idle No More
  • Truth and Reconciliation Commission 2015

    on the elements of the agreement was to facilitate reconciliation among former students, their families, their communities and all Canadians.
  • MMIWG Inquiry (Final Draft) 2019

    it is missing and murdered Indegenous women and girls.