Province and territories joined Confederation, or were created from existing parts of Canada: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Quebec. -
Canada's First Victim
Thomas D'Arcy McGee, one of the fathers of Confederation and an outspoken enemy of the Fenians, becomes Canada's first assassination victim at the hands of a Fenian. -
Legal Goverment In Rupert's Land
Riel establishes a legal provisional government in Rupert's Land. -
Métis rights recognized, as Manitoba becomes a province. (But Riel will have to flee Canada because of Scott's execution.) -
Join Confederation
Province and territories joined Confederation, or were created from existing parts of Canada: Prince Edward Island -
Prime Minister Macdonalds accused
The Pacific Scandal erupts: Prime Minister Macdonald accused of corruption in negotiations over a transcontinental railway. ( His government will be forced to resign.) -
Alexander Graham Bell Invetion Of The Telephone
Alexander Graham Bell discloses the invention of the telephone to his father at the family home on the outskirts of Brantford, Ontario. -
Bell's Telephone Demonstration
Bell's first functioning telephone is demonstrated in Boston. -
Phone Call Connection
The world's first long-distance phone call connects the Bell residence with a shoe and boot store in nearby Paris, Ontario (Aug. 10). -
Big Section Of Paririe
Treaty No.7 cedes the last big section of Prairie land to the government of Canada -
Secret Ballot Used
Secret ballot used for the first time in a federal general election. -
Macdonalds Introduces
Macdonald introduces protective tariffs, a transcontinental railway, and immigration to the west in his National Policy.