
Canada and the War Front During WW1

  • First Soldiers Land In France

    First Soldiers Land In France
    The first soldiers made up of Princess Patricia's Canadian Infantry arrived in France in late 1914. After a long winter training they were ready for the front line. They were quickly introduced to trench warfare and faced the harsh realities of the war.
  • The Second Battle of Ypres

    The Second Battle of Ypres
    This was the first major battle fought by Canadian troops during the war. It occurred after the German army attempted to capture the neutral country Belgium. This is largely remembered since the Canadians resisted against the first ever large scale gas attack.
  • Battle of Festubert

    Battle of Festubert
    The Battle of Festubert was the second major battle fought by Canadian troops in the war. It was apart of a wider British offensive against German lines. Nothing was gained by the Allies, but they suffered a high amount of casualties.
  • The Canadian Corps Are Created

    The Canadian Corps Are Created
    The Canadian Corps played major roles in the battle of the Somme and Vimy Ridge. They were mostly led by Edwin Alderson and were split up into 4 divisions. Around 60,000 Canadian enlisted between 1914- 1918.
  • The Battle of Beaumont Hamel

    The Battle of Beaumont Hamel
    This battle only lasted one day, but is considered to be one of the deadliest days in modern history. It took place in France and after only 30 minutes the Newfoundland regiment had very significant casualties.
  • The Battle of Vimy Ridge

    The Battle of Vimy Ridge
    This is arguably Canada's most celebrated military victory. It took place in Northern France and was the largest territorial advancement for the allies at the time. Canada is often credited for their strategic planning and execution during this battle.
  • The Battle of Passchendaele

    The Battle of  Passchendaele
    It is known as the Third Battle of Ypres. The Allied and Central Powers had been deadlocked fighting here for 3 years. 16,000 Canadians were killed or wounded and this achieved nothing to help the Allies.
  • The Battle of Hill 70

    The Battle of Hill 70
    This was the first major battle of the Canadian corps led by a Canadian commander. The attack happened early in the morning with use of burning oil and heavy artillery. Nearly 2000 Canadians died in this battle.
  • The Hundred Day Campaign

    The Hundred Day Campaign
    These series of attacks eventually led to the Central Powers surrendering. The Canadian corps played a huge part in this. They were assigned the task of orchestrating a secret attack on the German defense. They succeeded and gained 20 kilometers in 3 days but 9000 casualties were lost.
  • The Battle of Cambrai

    The Battle of Cambrai
    It took place in France and is recognized as one of Canada's most impressive victories during the war. It was heavily guarded by the Central Forces and helped start the Hundred Day Campaign.