Period: Sep 13, 1534 to
Grade 7 History
Period: Oct 9, 1534 to Oct 9, 1542
Jacques Cartier
Period: Sep 12, 1567 to
Samuel de Champlain
Jesuit missionaries start to convert Hurons to Catholisism
Marie l'Incarnation becomes a nun
Disease brough by Jesuits has wiped out much of Huronia
Iroquois successfully attack weakened Huron
Period: to
Filles de Roi brought to New France from France
Intermarriage between French Canadiens and First Nations
King sends Governor and Interdant to govern New France
Carignan-Salieres Regiment arrives in New France
"Scortched Earth" campaign forces Iroquois to sign peace treaty
Hudson's Bay Company Established
Frontenac starts first Term as Governor of New France
Louis Frontenac starts 2nd term as Governor
Period: to
7 Years War
Expulsion of the Acadians by the British
The Royal Proclamation
James Murray and Sir Guy Carelton promote the carrot (Quebec Act)
Quebec Act
Loyalists start to be forced out of United States
American Revolution
Constitutional Act of 1791
Sir Isaac Brock dies in battle
Battle of Queenston Heights
Mary Henry rescued
Laura Secord
Tecumseh Dies
Charles de Salaberry
Treaty of Ghent Ratified
Papineau questions government system in Lower Canada
Joseph Howe speaks out about the Government
MacKenzie led Rebellion of Upper Canada
Rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada
William Lyon MacKenzie, Louis-Joseph Papineau, Joseph Howe -
Lord Durham becomes Governor