
camps-tiffany degges,jade matte

  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    2,388 americans died and 1,178 were wounded.
    21 americans ships were damaged and 323 aircrafts were damaged.1,177were serving and only 333 lived.
    now 4,000 people visit the site.
  • Period: to


  • wars

    After World War 2 began president Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the executive order of 9066. this order rouded up 120,000 americans with Japanese heritage.
  • proclamation

    public proclamation issued by john dewitt
  • island

    exclution order issused around bainbridge island
  • Quotation

    "In desert camps, the evacuees met severe extremes of temperature. In winter it reached 35 degrees below zero, and summer brought temperatures as high as 115 degrees. Rattlesnakes and desert wildlife added danger to discomfort."
  • camp details

    camp details
    the camps had very bad living conditions and was way to overcrowded
  • president rescines

    president rescines
    The fourth term president rescined the executive order 9066
  • closeing

    jerome closes and is the first camp to close
  • last camp

    last camp
    this is when the last japanese internment camp was closed.
  • ends

    Germaney end war in europe
  • bombs

    atomic bomb dropped on hiroshima. second bomb dropped on nagasaki three days later.
  • closed

    tule lake closes and 5,000 interneses
  • free!!!

    goodman orders release
  • act

    truman sign a evacuation act
  • tax

    japanese americans are tax free
  • money

    victims get 15,000 deposit and15 dollars intern
  • d.c.

    commission for 750 japanese
  • pay

    $20,000 individual payment
  • fund

    1.25 billion dollar fund towards education