The Founding of Camp Foster!
Thomas Dove Foster is the founder of camp foster he was orignally from Ottumwa. He was the head of the Morrell Packing company. He paid $5,000.00 for what we call camp foster. -
That same year tent floors were built, a guest cottage, and a tennis court. 447 boys attened those five camp periods -
Additional improvements have been made during the year of 1923
resulting in $6,000.00 cost.. -
The dining hall
The Leonard Paulson dining hall, built in 1929 ,the cost was 5,552.61 -
Co Ed Camp at last!
Girls weren't really able to stay at the camp until the 70's not really sure when they were introuduced. Finally a camp for boys and girls -
William F. Thompson Memorial Chapel
Thomas Foster created the Chapel out of a very generous donation helped create what we call now the Chapel. The donation happened in 1969 until it was finally finished in 1972. That following year they were able to own 140 acres of land -
Camp Foster Today!
Camp Foster is now in what we call a blue zone. Which our school has been undergoing and our town. Its for people to live a long healthy life. They are also undergoing a new bulding for events like, weddings, partys, and any other things you could think of. Right now they are celebrating a good 100 years of being a camp. Many things have changed throught camp foster this 100 years, but kids coming to camp has never changed there.