Camodian genocide

  • Cities evacuated

    Cities evacuated
    The Khmer Rouge forcibly evacuated the Phnom Penh and other cities. Forcing urban populations to the countryside to work for farms. This mass evacuation was part of the Khmer Rouges attempt to eliminate urban lifestyles and force everyone into agricultural work. Leading to displacement.
  • New people

    New people
    The Khmer Rouge targeted individuals associated with the previous form of government, labeling them as "new people". The targeted were subjected to death of many of Cambodia's educated and skilled civilians.
  • Communes

    The Khmer Rouge established farming communes where people were forced to work under inhumane conditions. These communes were central to the new regimes polices. Due to these new polices many were subjected to famine, overwork, and disease.
  • Period: to

    Fall of Phnom Penh

    The Khmer Rouge captured the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh. Marking the beginning of their control over Cambodia. Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge forces began their goal to transform the country into an agrarian society.
  • Toul Sleng

    Toul Sleng
    The establishment of S-21 prison where thousands were tortured and executed. S-21 became a symbol of the brutality the Khmer Rouge. Approximately 17,000 prisoners died in the hands if Kaing Guek Eav, the head of S-21.
  • Purge within Khmer Rouge

    Purge within Khmer Rouge
    The Khmer Rouge did internal purges executing members who were disloyal to Pol Pot. These purges led to the death of many of the Khmer Rouge officials and gave Pot Pol more control, feeding off of the dear and paranoia.
  • Vietnam Invaded

    Vietnam Invaded
    the Khmer Rouge started to attack Vietnamese villages creating tensions between Cambodia and Vietnam. These attacks led Vietnam to eventually invade Cambodia leading to the fall of the Khmer Rouge.
  • Killing Fields

    Killing Fields
    Mass graves, now known as the killing fields, were found and showed the extent to the actions of the Khmer Rouge. The mass graves provided evidence of the genocide and the scale of which committed.
  • Fall of the Khmer Rouge

    Fall of the Khmer Rouge
    The Vietnamese forces capture Phnom Penh, finally overthrowing the Khmer Rouge. The fall of the Phnom Penh ended the Khmer Rouge rule and brought an end to the genocide. Although the country was in shambles.
  • Khmer Rouge trial

    Khmer Rouge trial
    The establishment of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) was created to convict the Khmer Rouge in the crime against humanity. The ECCC sought to bring justice to the victims of genocide and hold the Khmer Rouge accountable even though it faced criticism.