Cameron Spencer

  • Day of Birth

    On June 3rd, 1999 I was born in San Antonio, Texas. My mother is Cynthia Flemings.
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    Cameron Spencer

    This is my life up to today.
  • Beginning of Elementary

    This is when I first entered school at Larkspur Elementary School.
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    Elementary School

    My time in Elementary School from Kindergarten to the end of 5th grade. In the 1st grade I got a trophy from deciding to participate in the talent show when it was almost halfway over. The group I had joined was a bunch of girls (little sister included) singing and dancing along to this song. So I joined them and got a trophy.
  • Transfered to Castle Hills

    At the end of First grade I transfered to Castle Hills Elementary School.
  • End of Elementary School

    On May 28, 2010 I graduated from Castle Hills Elementary School.
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    Middle School

    This is the time when I was at Middle School at STEM.
  • Entered Middle School

    I entered S.T.E.M at Nimitz and I was worried because my brother told me some bad things about nimitz.
  • Breaking my ankle

    At Nimitz I was in the main building. I was in health (Ironically) when the bell rang for lunch. Right next to our health class there was a stone staircase. As I was walking down these stairs I tripped, fell down, and was thinking I broke my ankle. Now kids are just walking past me as I clutch my ankle in agony. Eventually I have to get up and hobble down the rest of the stairs and along the hallway to the Nurses office.When she checks my foot she says its fine and tells me to go back to class.
  • Mississippi

    Every summer I usually spend the first month in Mississippi with my grandparents and the rest of my family. We celebrate July 4th with fireworks.
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    eCybermission Competition Trip

    Over the summer my eCybermission team and I went to Washington D.C. for the eCybermission National Competition as the 8th grade Southwest Regional winners. My team members were Ryan White, Ian Copeland, and James Packard.