Cameron's Timeline

  • Kaylee makes her first friend

    Kaylee(age 4) meets a girl on the playground and initiates play and social interaction. By doing this, she is creating her own friend which gives her a sense of independence. This would be Kaylee in the initiative vs. guilt stage she is making initiative to make friends of her own.
  • Kaylee goes shopping alone for the first time

    Kaylee(age 15) takes her allowance to go shopping on her own for the first time. She uses this as an opportunity to find her own sense of style and things she likes without other peoples influence. This allows Kaylee to find out more. about herself and her own personal style.This is Kaylee in the identity vs. confusion stage. Kaylee is going out and finding her identity in how she dresses and expresses herself.
  • Kaylee gets a boyfriend

    Kaylee(age16) finally gets her first boyfriend. Having a boyfriend comes with a lot of firsts like first kiss and many other things. Kaylee feels the Loe emotion in a way she feels it differently from her parents and friends.This is Kaylee in the intimacy vs. isolation stage. She is learning intimacy in a new way than she has felt before by forming a relationship with her new boyfriend.