2011 BCE
Camera Phone
This is the most used in a global sense, cause everybody had one; by the technology the quality of this cameras has increased. -
2007 BCE
Slimeline Compact Camera
The only difference from the Digital Compact Camera is that this one is more portable cause of its size and new technology creation -
1990 BCE
Digital Compacts
The first Digital Compact Camera got a 400,000 pixel showcase, and got a removable SRAM, SRAM is a memory card -
1980 BCE
35mm Point and Shoot Camera
This type of camera had a process, first they got to enfocate the object that its going on the picture, that is why its named point; and for taking the picture you got to press a button for taking the picture clearly, that is why its named shoot. -
1960 BCE
First Polaroid Model
This was the Polaroid Model 95, the world's first viable instant-picture camera. Known as a Land Camera after its inventor, Edwin Land, the Model 95 used a patented chemical process to produce finished positive prints from the exposed negatives in under a minute. The Land Camera caught on despite its relatively high price and the Polaroid lineup had expanded to dozens of models by the 1960s. -
1947 BCE
SLR Cameras
The first major post-war SLR innovation was the eye-level viewfinder, which first appeared on the Hungarian Duflex in 1947 and was refined in 1948 with the Contax S, the first camera to use a pentaprism. Prior to this, all SLRs were equipped with waist-level focusing screens. -
1913 BCE
35 mm Film Camera
A number of manufacturers started to use 35mm film for still photography between 1905 and 1913. The first 35mm cameras available to the public, and reaching significant numbers in sales were in 1913; He built his prototype 35 mm camera (Ur-Leica) around 1913, though further development was delayed for several years by World War I. -
1888 BCE
First Camera with film
George Eastman was the creator and he patents Kodak roll-film camera, he was a pioneer in photographic films usage; His first camera was named "Kodak,", It was a very simple box camera with a fixed-focus lens and single shutter speed, which along with its relatively low price appealed to the average consumer. -
1837 BCE
Daguerreotype Camera
It was invented by Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre on 1837 and introduced worldwide in 1839; To make the image, a daguerreotypist would polish a sheet of silver-plated copper to a mirror finish, treat it with fumes that made its surface light sensitive. -
1814 BCE
Camera Obscura
It was the first camera that take a picture on earth, Joseph Nicephore Niepce was a frenchman who created the Camera Obscura. He was born in 1765 in France; Obscura Camera means dark room in Latin.