Independence Day
Combodia gained independence on November 9, 1953. they were imperilized by france in 1945 and then combodia regained there independence -
Sihanouk's father kicked from throne
Norodom Suramarit father of Sihanouk kciked from throne in 1960 -
South Vietnam
a figbt breaks out and Cambodia and South vietnam seddle several ties -
The US begins a secret bombing campaign
On march 18 the US began a secret bombing campaign agaisnt the north vitamease because combodia let the vitamase set up camps and they were shooting in the those camps. -
Combodia re-named
The US and combodia were fighting the vitamease and the US pulled their troops back and the combodia lost there military support and Pol Pot saw an oppertunity and took over cambodia and changed there name to Democratic Republic of Kampuchea -
Becoming Public KR
the khmer rouge was created by the soon to be famous pol pot. the service didnt become public until 1977. KR is the Khmer Rouge -
fighting breaks out
Over one third of Cambodia died from this fight from veitnam very big loss to cambodia -
Relations broke
Cambodia broke the relation with the social group of Vietnam due to fights breaking out -
Khmer allies with Sihanouk whiling capturing Phnom Penh -
Hun Sen becomes prime minister
Hun sen was 32 years old when he became prime minister and he was cambodia's premeir for more then 20 years, and warfare broke out and refuegrees were everywhere. -
Vietnease troops withdraw
Hun sen tries to attack forgein investment to abandon the work of socialism the country was then re-named the State of Cambodia -
in 1989 buddhism was re-named the country's state reigon by hun sen after vietnam withdrew there troops -
a peace agreement was signed in paris, authority powers were shared with factions in cambodia and Sihanouk becomes head of state -
in march of 1992 a group of peacekeeper force was created, and was in a united nations of cambodia -
cambodia held free elections and the rule Khmer boycotted them -
Throne restored
In 1993 the father of Sihanouk was re throned and the monarchy was restored -
Surrender of Khmer rouge
thusands of khmer soilders surrender to governement and were in amnesty -
Pol Pot dies
pol pot was leader of the khmer rouge from 1963 to 1997 and he died at age of 73 -
End of KR
in 1999 the khmer rouge was broken up due to leaders dieing or being arrested the Khmer rouge was created in 1968 and ended in 1999 the sucess was decent of the khmer rouge -
Televison ban
televison broadcasting was banned in cambodia and they were thai tevevison braodcatings -
national rioters were rioting on january 28th and then attack and destroyed the thai embassy -
Hun Sen wins
Hun sen party of people won a huge amount of seats at the national embassy -
fights began with thailand for terriotory which was a brutal battle fought -
Norodom Sihanouk dies
Norodom father of hun sen dies at age 89 from heart attack in bejing in his hideout -
Drought of the century
Animals and every living thing is in danger of this horrable drought