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Cambodia Timeline

  • Born

    Prince Norodom Sihanouk is born
  • Throne Time

    Colonial power France puts Sihanouk at the throne
  • Cambodia Independance

    France meets the independance
  • King

    Sihanouk's father becomes placed as king.
  • Moves up

    Sihanouk moves up to being made as the head of the state
  • Backup; US

    Sihanouk is then deposed as the US Backup
  • Starvation

    Millions of people are going to start dieing from starvation.
  • Sihanouk

    Sihanouk returns to being head of the state.
  • Evacuated

    Sihanouk is exacuated to Bejing
  • New President?

    Sihanouk is now named as the president of the anti-Vietnamese coalition government
  • Hun Sen

    Hun Sen is appointed to being a prime minister
  • Withdraw

    Vietnamese troops leave because of the pressure.
  • Paris

    Paris finally decides to sign a peace agreement.
  • Sihanouk Returns

    Sihanouk makes a very awkward return.
  • 47%

    FUNCINPEC recieves 47% of the votes.
  • Throne

    Sihanouk returns back to his throne. (waiting for him)
  • Bejing

    Sihanouk makes another "vacation/trip" back to Bejing
  • Outlawed

    Finally, The Khmer Rouge is now outlawed.
  • Ousts

    Hun Sen ousts Ranariddh
  • Death of a Leader

    Pol Pot dies (the leader)
  • Justice!

    Sihanouk makes UN-backed tribunal bring leaders back to justice.
  • Surprise

    Sihanouk finally decides to make a surprising announcment of helping others.
  • New King

    Sihanouk's son is placed as king.
  • Cancer

    Sihanouk announces on his website that he's reached cancer in his stomach
  • Back To..

    Sihanouk heads back to Bejing for medical treatments.
  • Terrible Death in Bejing

    Terrible Death in Bejing
    Sihanouk dies in Bejing