Modern Cambodia's Territory
In the early 1800's most of Cambodia's territory was either part of Siam or it was a vassal state paying tribut to the Siamese court. -
France accepted Cambodians Kings Invation
In 1863 France accepted one of Cambodians king's invitation to impose a protectorate over his weak kingdom. It was halting the country's dismemberment by Thailand and Vietnam. For thoses next 90 years France then rulled Cambodia. -
Cambodia in Danger
In 1864, French gunboats intimidated King Norodom into signing a treaty of protectorate. The treaty was really protectorate, as Camdoidia was in danger of going the way to Champa and vanishing from the map. -
Norodom was Forced in Signing a Treaty
In 1884 Morodom was forced into signing a Treaty that would turn his country into a virtural colony. It sparked a two-year rebellion that constituted the major uprising in Cambodia intil WWII. -
French pressured Thailmand
In 1907 the French pressured Thailand into returning the northwest providinces. That meant that Angkor came under Cambodian control for the first time. -
Cambodian Political Upheaval
Signs of signifacant Cambodian political upheaval first came in 1941, when King Sisowath Monivong died. -
French Making Cambodia an Autonomous State
With the fall of Paris in 1944, and the French being in a policy of disarray, the Japeanse were forced to take dirrect control of the territory in 1945. When the Frech returned, they made Cambodia an autonmous state within the French Union, but they retained under de facto control. -
World War II with Cambodia
When World War II ended, France tried to reassert rule over their former territories. In North Vietnam Nationalist leader of the Communist guerilla forces, would not allow the French intervention to conrol Vietnamese affairs. In 1945 Minh declared a new Vietnamese state, and in 1947 France and Vietnam had begun a war of attrition. The Conflict with Vietnam left France unable to control their push for Independence from Cambodia. -
The Japanese Removed French Collaborators
In 1945 the Japanese removed the French collaborators, and they installed independent Cambodian government, which was under they young king named Norodom Sihanouk -
French allowed Camnodians to form Political Parties
IN 1946 The French allowed Cambodians to form political parties and to be able to hold elections for a Consulative Assembly. The Consulative Assembly would advise the monarch on drafting the country's constitution. -
The French allowed Combodians to form Political Parties
In 1946 the French allowed the Cambodians to hold elections and to be able to have political parties for the Consulative Assembly. The Consulative Assembly would advise the monarch on drafting the contry's constitution. -
Prince Norodom Sihanouk becomes King
In 1946 Prince Norodom Shianouk becomes the king that ruled Cambodia. -
France Gave Cambodia Sighifcant Autonomy
In 1949 France had granted Cambodia signifacent autonomy, though the millitary and their economy remained under French control. -
Withdraw of French Troops to Cambodia
Shanouk asked the French to release the nationalist Son Ngoc Thanh from exile so he would be able to return to his country. He then made a triumphant entry into Phnom Pehn on october 29, 1951. Not long after he began demanding withdraw of French troops for Cambodia. -
Cambodia gained their Independace
In 1953 Cambodia was finally able to declare complete Independance from France. -
Police and Judicary were Transferred to Cambodia's control
The king Sihanouk, was making high-stake gambles. For the French they could easily replace him with a more pliable monarch. Although the military situation was deteriorating throughout Indochina. The French government on July 3, 1952 declared it's Independance to the three different states in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos. The French had yielded, and the polce and judiciary were transferred to Cambodia's control in Augest. -
Control of Residual Matters in Cambodia
Control of resdual matters that affects sovereignty was finally passed to the new Cambodian state in 1954. -
The USA Begun a Secret Pogramme with Base Camps in Cambodia
In 1969, the USA had begun a secret programme to bomb suspected communist base camps that were in Cambodia. In the next four years the bombing was not halted by the US Congress until Augest 1973. -
Conflict Between That Army and Leftist Rebels
By 1969, the conflict between the army and leftist rebels had become very serious, when the Vietnamese sought deeper into Cambodia. -
Lon Nol Protested to the Presence of Cambodia's Forces
On march 1970 Sihanouk's prime minister Lon Nol, conspired against Sihanouk to protest to the presence of Viet Cong forces in Camnodia. When Shhanouk was abroad Lon Nol and Prince Sirli Matak led a coup against Sihanouk. They all succeeded when they threw him from power. Later, Lon Nol took control and then realigned the country along with the United States. Later, in October Cambodia declared intself the Khmer Republic. Communist forces within Cambodia were then increasing. -
South Vietnamese Forces Invade Cambodia
On April 30, 1970, The US and South Vietnamese forces invade Cambodia in effort to flush out thousands of Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops. Viet Cong and North Vietnamese were using Cambodian bases in their own way to overthrow the South Vietnamese government. The resut of the invasion, Vietnamese communists went in deper into Cambodia, so they could frther destablish the Lon Nol government. Cambodia's small army never stood a chance and they backed out for a few months. -
Cambodia Plagued By Warfare
In 1985 a man named Hun Sen became Cambodia's prime minister. Then Cambodia is plagued by guerrilla warfare, which made thousands of people become refugees. -
UN Transitional Authority Shared Power
UN transitional authority shared power that was temporarily. They had representatives of the factions in Cambodia. -
Cambodia and Thailand Move Troops
In 2008 Cambodia and Thailand move troops to dispute on land near the Preah Vuhear temple after having the decision to list it as the UN World Heritage Site. -
Former Khmer Rouge and kaing Guek Eav go on Trial
In 2009, Former Khmer Rouge and leader Kaing Guek Eav both go on trial for charges of presiding over the murder and torture of thousands of people, when they were head of the notorious Tuol Sleng prison camp.