Cambodia As It Is / Was

  • The Beginning

    Cambodia gained there independence from France.
  • Taking Over

    Norodom Sihanouk became Prime Minister, and during this time his dad became King.
  • Sad/Happy Moments

    5 years after becoming something, Sihanouk's dad died, so Sihanouk had to step up and play the part of the king.
  • War beginning

    Lon Nol sent North Vietnamese people over to Cambodia to start war with the Cambodians.
  • Bombing

    The U.S started a bombing campaign against North Vietnamese forces on Cambodian soil.
  • Year Zero

    Pol Pot declares Year Zero after a bloody 5 years of civil war.
  • Renamed/Resign

    Cambodia gets renamed "Demoractic Kapuchea" and Sihanouk resigns and Khieu becomes the new state ruler.
  • Another War Break Out

    The Cambodian's and Vietnam's war broke out.
  • New Things

    Hun Sen becomes the new Prime Minister, while Cambodians become refugees because Cambodia is plagued by guerrilla warfare.
  • Fresh Start

    Vietnam withdraws from the war. While Cambodia is re-named to a state, and they make the state religion Buddhism.
  • Uneasy Peace

    A peace agreement is signed in Pairs, they started power sharing factions in Cambodia.
  • "Party's"

    Sihanouk grants a new party for leader of Khmer Rouge Ieng.
  • Replacement

    Hun Sen gets replaced as the prime minister by Unglanceable Huot.
  • Death

    Pol Pot dies in his jungle hideout
  • "Laws"

    A new law was getting discussed because Khmer Rouge was getting hit with charges and the pledge was $560 million in aid
  • New

    The first bridge over Mekong River opened.
  • Soldiers

    Two Cambodian fighters died in a fire that was close to the area from Thai people
  • Guilty

    Comrade Duch was guilty because of humanity purposes and got sentenced 35 years in prison.
  • Charge

    Tensions rise as Cambodia charges two Thai citizens that were spying.
  • Returning

    Leader Sam Rainsy returned from exile
  • Death

    King Norodom Sihanouk dies at age 89 because of a heart attack.
  • Working

    Over 150,000 Cambodians returned home after working in Thailand.
  • Empowerment

    Prime Minister Hun Sen marked 30 years In power.
  • Ceasefire

    Prim Minister Hun Sen declared the political "ceasefire" that will go to 2018
  • Replaced

    Kem Sokha is appointed as the new (CNRP) in replace of Sam Raisy.