
  • Independence

    Cambodia becomes independent from France.
  • Sihanouk

    Sihanouk came to power in Cambodia.
  • Isolation

    Sihanouk cuts Cambodia off from the rest of the world and they fight against the USA in South Vietnem.
  • Secret Bombing Campign

    The USA begins a campign to bomb North Vietnemese on Cambodian soil.
  • New Leader

    Lon Nol is replaced by Pol Pot.
  • Changes

    Pol Pot is prime minister, and Khieu Samphan becomes head of state of the new Democratic Kampuchea.
  • Trouble

    Cambodia and Vietnam begin to clash.
  • Invasoin

    The Vietnamese invade Cambodia.
  • Coup

    Prime Minister Lon Nol stages a coup and takes over Cambodia. He sends his soldiers to drive the North Vietnemese out of his country.
  • The Khmer Rouge

    The Khmer Rouge take over Cambodia.
  • Peace

    A peace treaty is signed in Paris. The UN unites all the different parties in Cambodia.
  • Surrednder

    Thousands of Khmer Rouge guerrillas surrender.
  • Another Coup

    Hun Sen replaces Prince Ranariddh with Ung Huot. The Khmer Rouge put him on trial and throw him in jail.
  • Pol Pot Dies

    Pol Pot dies in the jungle.
  • Prince Ranariddh

    Prince Ranariddh is arrested for smuggling weapons, but the king pardons him.
  • The Khmer Rouge Arrested

    The leaders of the Khmer Rouge are arredsted on genocoide charges.
  • First Bridge

    The first bridge across Cambodia is built.
  • Trouble

    Cambodia and Thailand get into a fight about a celebrity.
  • Hun Sen

    The prime minister Hun Sen is re-elected.
  • Trial

    The UN finally gives the green light for charges against the Khmer Rouge.
  • Ta Mok Dies

    Ta Mok, a key leader of the Khymer Rouge, dies.
  • Interagations

    The UN questions members of the Khryme Rouge.
  • Tensions

    Tensions rise when Cambodia charges two Thai soldiers with spying.
  • Protesting

    The people of Cambodia protest when parliment re-elects Hun Sen.