
  • independece

    Cambodia wins their indenpendece from france.
  • Death

    Sihanouk's father dies and he becomes head of state.
  • break-up

    Sihanouk breakes up conections with U.S and people from vitnam come to cambodia.
  • boming

    The U.S secretly bombs combodia.
  • Year Zero

    Money became worthless and basic laws and religions where banded. Middle class people where exicuted and exosted the death toll was around 1.7 million.
  • Year Zero

    The country is re-named Democratic Kampuchea. Pol Pot is prime minister.
  • vietnam

    Fighting breakes out with vietnam.
  • lightning fast

    Vietnamese forces invade in lightning assault.
  • prime minister

    Hun Sen becomes prime minister. Cambodia becomes a playground for guerrilla warfare. Hundreds of thousands become refugees .
  • State of cambodia

    The country is re-named the State of Cambodia. Buddhism is re-established as the state religion.
  • peace

    A peace agreement is signed in paris. Sihanouk become head of state.
  • Guerrillas

    Thousands of guerrillas surrender in a goverment amnasty.
  • New Party

    Deputy leader of Khmer Rouge Ieng Sary forms a new party and is given amnesty.
  • Pol Pot

    Pol Pot is was on trial and was sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • Prince Ranariddh

    Prince Ranariddh is found guilty for arms smuggling but the king forgives him.
  • Pol Pot dies

    Pol Pot dies in his jungle hide out he was never brought to trial. Cambodia's Cival war is over.
  • aid

    A law is passed and is donating 560 million in aid.
  • The Bridge

    The first bridge linking east and west Cambodia to eachother over the Mekong River.
  • Deadlock

    After about one year of plitical deadlock, Hun Sen is re-elected.
  • Sam Rainsy

    Sam Rainsy is sentenced to 18 months of prision.
  • Home

    Sam Rainsy is given a royal pardon and is alowed to go home.
  • 80

    Ta Mok was one of the top leaders but he dies at age 80.
  • More prision

    Prince Norodom Ranariddh is sentenced to 18 monthes of prision but he does not get a royal parden.
  • Comrade Duch

    Comrade Duch is given 35 years of prison for crimes aginst Humanity.
  • In power

    Hun Sen markes 30 years in power for being Prime Minister.