Apr 3, 1060
Sihanouk's father dies.
Sihanouk's father dies. Sihanouk becomes head of state -
King Sihanouk
King Sihanouk abdicated in favour of his father, Norodom Suramarit. -
Cambodia wins its independence from France. Under King Sihanouk, it becomes the Kingdom of Cambodia. -
king and Sihanouk becomes prime minister.
Sihanouk abdicates to pursue a political career. His father becomes king and Sihanouk becomes prime minister. -
South Vietnam.
Cambodia severed ties with South Vietnam. -
Father dies
Sihanouk breaks off relations with the US and allows North Vietnamese guerrillas to set up bases in Cambodia in pursuance of their campaign against the US-backed government in South Vietnam. -
The US begins a secret bombing
The US begins a secret bombing campaign against North Vietnamese forces on Cambodian soil. -
Lon nol
Lon Nol is overthrown as the Khmer Rouge led by Pol Pot occupy Phnom Penh. Sihanouk briefly becomes head of state, the country is re-named Kampuchea. -
Th country is re named
The country is re-named Democratic Kampuchea. Sihanouk resigns, Khieu Samphan becomes head of state, Pol Pot is prime minister. -
Fight breaks out
Fighting breaks out with Vietnam. -
Vietnamese forces
Vietnamese forces invade in a lightning assault. -
May 1 1981
The pro-Vietnamese Kampuchean People's Revolutionary Party wins parliamentary elections. The international community refuses to recognise the new government. -
Vietnamese troops withdraw
Vietnamese troops withdraw. Hun Sen tries to attract foreign investment by abandoning socialism. The country is re-named the State of Cambodia. Buddhism is re-established as the state religion. -
A peace agreement is signed in Paris
A peace agreement is signed in Paris. A UN transitional authority shares power temporarily with representatives of the various factions in Cambodia. Sihanouk becomes head of state. -
Elections are held in Cambodia -
Pot dies
Pol Pot dies -
1999 Cambodia joins ASEAN
1999 Cambodia joins ASEAN -
Norodom Sihamoni becomes king
Norodom Sihamoni becomes king -
Oil is discovered off Cambodia
Oil is discovered off Cambodia -
Returns home
February - Rainsy receives a royal pardon and returns home. -