Period: 650 BCE to 476
Ancient Age
Children were seen as dependent and defenceless. So they were considered an object, useful for war and to please adults, they participated in wars since at this time it was the expansion of different cultures. Greece, China, the Inca, Aztec civilizations are founded. The wars between Sparta and Percia the conquest of Asia and Europe by Alexander the Great. -
610 BCE
Since childhood, the child was already owned by the state. They taught him what was strictly necessary, focusing on hard training for fighting. -
510 BCE
The child was excluded from all legal and political privileges with respect to older citizens. -
380 BCE
Athens, Platon and Aristotles
Plato and Aristotle focused on the education and training of children -
Greece and Rome
The need for education to adapt to human nature is created through different periods for early childhood education, medicine and interest in children's health is also developed. The concept of liberal education and integral development (body and soul) is born. And in Rome the aim was to train good speakers through rhetoric. Schooling is divided into three stages "ludus" or elementary school, "grammar" and "rhetoric". -
Neither the law nor public opinion considered that infanticide was wrong, children deformed or with some physical defect, illegitimate children or the product of a woman's adultery, were abandoned in the street, thrown into rivers, and murdered. -
Original sin Theory
The idea of "original sin" arises where the child is considered an evil, perverse and corrupt being, who must be released under discipline and punishment. -
Period: 476 to 1453
Middle Ages
In this age, the most important social institution and the one in charge of education was the church, influenced by Christianity. Also families used children as an object of exchange, forcing marriages that benefited the family. They were consider equal to adults for some things, and different for others, in addition they were frightened by religion, physically punishing them for their "sins." They were little adults, and education was different between girls and boys. -
Exploit children
Children were exploited and used as labor, sold as servants. Also, the infant mortality rate was high, due to abuse, poor diet, illness and lack of care. -
Period: 1476 to
The newborn is neither good nor bad, it is a blank canvas, where its development will depend solely on its own experiences. Likewise, the idea that schooling is compulsory up to age 12 and the importance of elementary education in the mother tongue are defended. Also when the industrial revolution occurs, many children leave factories and go back to school. -
Children Perspective
It is recognized that the child has an innate condition of goodness and innocence, like an angel. -
Interest in Children education
There is an interest in the observations of children, creating interest in child development, in the evolution of the child and its growth. The need arises for an education for both boys and girls. -
Period: to
Memory instructional practices are criticized, the idea is defended that all education must be adapted to the level of each child, that both action and experience are fundamental in the development of the child, because they are ways to acquire knowledge -
Jean Rousseau wrote a series of basic principles on early childhood education, where he affirms that the child is good by nature, and it is society that can corrupt it. In addition, he criticizes the memorizing method of teaching. -
Froebel, promotes the kindergarten idea. The importance of play in the life of a child, continuing education between school-home-community and the need for interaction between the child and the parents for the integral development of the child. -
Education right
France guaranteed the right to education for every children -
Period: to
20th Century
In this century childhood is defined as the stage of development and preparation of the child for adult life, where the child is classified as a social subject of law. -
Protection of Children
A Committee for the Protection of Children was created by the League of Nations, the international community. Also the Declaration of the Rights of the Child or Declaration of Geneva is approved. It was the first international policy on the rights of the child. It was based on the works of Dr. Janusz Korczak. -
After the Second World War, UNICEF establishes some programs aimed at providing education, good health, clean water and food to children. -
Children rights
The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Throughout 54 articles, the document establishes the economic, social and cultural rights of children. -
4 waya to learn
The International Commission on Education proposed 4 ways of learning: learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live. -
Millennium Development Goals
189 UN states signed the WTO (Millennium Development Goals), in order to fulfill the rights of children. -
Childhood Conception - UNICEF
Childhood means much more than the time between birth and adulthood. It refers to the state and condition of a child's life, to the quality of those years. -
Children's rights
Today a child can be considered as a subject full of rights, where childhood is recognised as an important period of life for their development as a human being -
Problems of the present
Approximately 124 million children are out of school, and two out of every five children left primary school without having learned to read and write. The excessive prolongation of conflicts exacerbates this problem. Almost 250 million children live in countries and areas affected by armed conflict, and millions more suffer the worst effects of climate-related disasters and chronic crises.