Callie & Collin Jane Eyre Timeline

By csham
  • Rough Times

    Rough Times
    The book opens with Jane living with Mrs. Reed. She constantly gets bullied and blamed by Mrs. Reed and her three cousins, Eliza, Georgiana, and John. John is especially mean towards Jane.
  • Bullied to the max

    Bullied to the max
    Jane decides to retaliate to Johns bullying. Her Aunt Reed punishes her by locking her in the Red Room. Her Uncle died in this Red Room. She panicks and thinks she sees something and starts to scream.
  • Lowood

    Mrs. Reed forces Jane to go to Lowood School. Her aunt procedes to tell everyone that Jane is a liar. On the brighter side, Jane meets and befriends Helen Burns.
  • Helen's Death

    Helen's Death
    The children of Lowood are struck by a Typhus epidemic and many of the girls, including Helen Burns, die. Jane stays with Helen through the night when she passes.
  • Becoming a teacher/Leaving Lowood

    Becoming a teacher/Leaving Lowood
    Jane becomes a teacher at Lowood School. She stays there for two years. Jane then leaves and is taken on as Governess to Adele Varens at Thornfield Hall.
  • Meeting Rochester

    Meeting Rochester
    Jane meets Mr Rochester, the master of Thornfield, on a misty evening. Rochester falls from his horse causing him to sprain his ankle. She quickly falls in love with him.
  • The Rescue

    The Rescue
    Jane rescues Rochester from the fire. His bed catches on fire right after Jane hears a laugh. She puts the fire out and saves Rochester.
  • Rochester leaves & Returns

    Rochester leaves & Returns
    Rochester leaves Thornfield to spend time with The Ingram Family and The Eshton Family. He returns and hosts a party with a large group of society friends. Ms. Ingram is introduced as a possible wife to Rochester.
  • Aunt Reed's Death

    Aunt Reed's Death
    Jane hears of her Aunt Reed's death and goes home to visit her. She visits her on her death bed and wants to get peace but Mrs. Reed refuses and dies still hating Jane.
  • The Engagement

    The Engagement
    A month later Jane returns to Thornfield Hall. Jane and Rochester get engaged.
  • The Wedding

    The Wedding
    On the day of their wedding, the ceremony is interrupted by a Richard Mason. He tells us that Rochester is already married to his sister Bertha Mason.
  • Jane Leaves

    Jane Leaves
    Jane leaves Thornfield Hall and becomes ill on the moors. She is taken in by St John Rivers and his two sisters.
  • The Second Proposal

    The Second Proposal
    Jane becomes a school teacher once again with help from St John Rivers.St Rivers proposes a marriage of convenience with Jane.
  • The Discovery

    The Discovery
    Jane discovers that she is related to the Rivers. She "hears" a call from Rochester telling her to come home.
  • Jane Goes Back to Thornfield

    Jane Goes Back to Thornfield
    She finds Thornfield in ruins and Mr. Rochester is at Ferndean Manor. They quickly get married and later have a son.