
Call of the Wild

By JV75
  • Betrayed

    Buck is sold for "30 coins of silver"
  • Period: to

    Call of the Wild

  • Red Sweater

    Buck is given to his new owner
  • Adapting

    Buck learns the ways of the North
  • Earned Respect

    Earned Respect
    Buck becomes alpha dog
  • Taking Responsibility

    Buck becomes the leader on the sled team
  • Promotion

    Buck is moved up to lead dog
  • Replaced

    Buck and his team are replaced w/ other dogs and reassigned to Hal
  • John Thornton

    The team reaches Thorton's camp
  • New Leadership

    Thornton takes charge of Buck's team
  • Love

    Buck grows fond of John Thornton
  • Wandering

    Buck seeks adventure in woods
  • Friend Found

    Friend Found
    Buck meets a wolf at a stream
  • Friend Lost

    John Thornton is killed by Indians
  • Became One

    Became One
    Buck has proven he is now wild
  • Revenge

    Buck kills several Indians
  • New Group

    New Group
    The wolf shows Buck his pack
  • Leads Again

    Buck is the new pack leader