Californiacustompostcard 300

California History

  • Entering Statehood

    Entering Statehood
    On this date California becomes the 31st state in the United Sates of America.
  • Yosemite

    Congress creates Yosemite as a National Park
  • Earhart Takes off

    Earhart Takes off
    Amelia Earhart takes off from Los Angeles to fly across the Atlantic.
  • Golden Gate

    Golden Gate
    Building the Golden Gate Bridge is completed and opens to drive on.
  • The Happiest Place of Earth

    The Happiest Place of Earth
    Disneyland Opens in Araheim, California under direct supervision of Walt Disney himself.
  • American Indian Movement

    American Indian Movement
    American Indian take ove the Alcatraz islands saying they're on Indian land. After nine months the goverment forcibly ended the movement
  • First two Women in the Senate

    First two Women in the Senate
    California elect the first two women, Barbra Boxer and Dianne Fienstein, into the senate.
  • Same sex Marrige

    Same sex Marrige
    After a long debate, same sex marrige becomes legal.
  • World Series

    World Series
    The San Francisco Giants won the world series against the Detroit Tigers in Comeria Park
  • Summer Olympics

    Summer Olympics
    Los Angles hosts the Summer Olympics