
Caleb's Life

  • I was Born!

    I was Born!
    Caleb Micheal Brandon Zrostlik was born into this world.I peed on the nurse lol
  • 1st Birthday

    1st Birthday
    Its my first birthday, and my cousins were there and my favorite guy "Guy,Guy" was there.
  • 2nd Birthday!

    2nd Birthday!
    Caleb is Two and its time to celebrate!
  • 3rd Birthday

    3rd Birthday
  • 4th Birthday

    4th Birthday
  • Getting Stabed With a Pin

    Getting Stabed With a Pin
    It Hurt
  • 5th Birthday

    5th Birthday
  • Almost Died

    Almost Died
    On this date I almost drowned. I was in the forest city famliy center pool when it happened. I can swim, just not very good at the age of 6. I thought that i could swim, so i jumped off the low dive. The lifeguard wasn't doing his job, instead he was talk to a girl. So a 8th grader saved me and the lifeguard got fired.
  • 6th Birthday

    6th Birthday
  • Trip To Florda

    Trip To Florda
    I went to Florda for my golden birthday and we were there for 8 days. Also when we got there we went to Disney Land.
  • 7th Birthday... My Golden Birthday!

    7th Birthday... My Golden Birthday!
  • 8th Birthdqy

    8th Birthdqy
  • 9th Birthday

  • I got My Dog

    I got My Dog
    Hes Cute
  • 10th Brithday

  • My Dog Is Gone

    My Dog Is Gone
  • Happy 11th Birthday

  • Today's My Birthday